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Discussion of Entrepreneurship Development Problems

Discussion of Entrepreneurship Development Problems

On October 15, 2016 on the initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and the Department of Economic Analysis scientific-practical conference on the theme «The role of Entrepreneurship and Investment in the Development of National Production», dedicated to the Day of Entrepreneurs was held in FEIT. Domestic and foreign entrepreneurs took part in the conference.
In his congratulatory speech, the Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda, noting the state of entrepreneurship in the republic, he stressed that entrepreneurship is a main factor in the development of the national economy. In modern conditions of economic development the contribution of the private sector in the economy of Tajikistan become increasingly prominent, the share of this sector in GDP increased to 67 percent.
If in 1997 only 47 individual entrepreneurs carried out activities in Tajikistan, today their number reached 325,000. Generally, there are 247,000 business entities in the country today, indicating the development of entrepreneurship in Tajikistan. The government of the country is taking measures aimed at developing the private sector of economy, including a moratorium on testing activities of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, the business incubators, free economic zones were organized, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Public-Private Partnership» was adopted, Enterprise Fund was established etc., - noted the Rector.
Sohbr4001.jpgThen, entrepreneur from Pakistan, the representative of LLC «Kurbon textiles» Said Dahir Ahmad Giloni and Deputy Director of CJSC «Tajikvneshtrans» Navruz Khalilov made a speech at the conference. They talked about their entrepreneurial activity.
The participants of the conference listened to the reports of the head of the Economic Analysis Department Muzaffarov B.S. on theme «State Support of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Economic Development» and a second-year student of the specialty «economic analysis» Umeda Nurali on theme «The Role of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship in a Market Economy».  The speakers made suggestions on the organization of the simplified accounting system of economic entities, providing entrepreneurship information, i.e. the creation of sites for information sharing and electronic forums, using technology and innovation, the organization of branch banks and provision of soft loans.
It was noted that entrepreneurship, business independently carried out at your own risk activity aimed at systematically profit. The development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of a market economy contributes to the saturation goods and services of the consumer market. Creating favorable conditions for functioning and development of entrepreneurship contributes to the acceleration of economic growth of the country, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements in production, increasing production efficiency.
The world experience shows that entrepreneurship cannot develop without government support and regulation. In this regard, in recent years, the Government of our country creates favorable conditions for supporting young entrepreneurs. In this direction over the past five years, credit organizations provided loans on the amount more than 1.7 billion somoni to young entrepreneurs.
In the final part of the event the students who participated and won in Republican competition «Young innovators and inventors» were awarded with honorable certificates and memorable gifts. They are Jovidon Khalifaev, Nilufar Amonova, Faridun Inoyatov, Sharofat Khalilova, Aubjon Saidov, Jumakhon Bulbulov, Saidabonu Saidmahmadova, Sulaymon Jumaev.
As it was reported earlier, the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016 » in the nomination «favorable conditions» (the creation of favorable conditions for study and residence) and was awarded with the Cup, Diploma and a trip to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston». The Rector of the Institute A.Solehzoda congratulated the teachers and students with the achievement, presented the Cup and Diploma.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva