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Dilnora Amonova won the competition «Student of the Year»

Dilnora Amonova won the competition «Student of the Year»

Annually the competition «Student of the Year» is held in the country at the initiative of the Committee for Youth, Sport and Tourism. The purpose of which is to encourage talented students of educational institutions of higher professional education, for their active participation in research, public, creative work, motivation of their creative growth.
By tradition, this year, in accordance with the Regulations of the competition the first stage of the competition was held in all higher educational institutions, the winners became the participants of the final round of the competition «Student of the Year -2016». The final round of the competition was held on October 20-22. The best students of the institutes of the country participated there.
17 students from higher educational institutions of regions and districts of the republic participated in the final round.
In accordance with the Regulations of the competition on the first day of the competition, the students wrote an essay on the theme «Young people are the followers of the Leader of the Nation and reliable defenders of conquest of the sovereignty of the country».
Under the terms of the competition for the second stage, the students presented their lifestyle and interests using technology, answered the questions related to the state policy regarding young people in Tajikistan.
We are glad to announce that among the 17 participants in the final round the 3rd year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Dilnora Amonova took the second place.
On October 25 the FEIT administration and the dean of Finance and Credit Faculty awarded Amonova Dilnora with the Certificate of honor and memorable gifts for the achieved victory.
We want to remind that the winners have been determined by a competent committee that consisted of representatives of the relevant institutions and ministries. The award ceremony will take place on some of these days.
The main aim of the competition «Student of the Year» is to identify and support the talented students, the most actively showed themselves in their learning, science, art, sport, as well as in political and public life of the country, forming in them high moral and patriotic views.

M. Abdulloeva