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The opening of a new research library

The opening of a new research library

On October 26, 2016, the official opening ceremony of Research Library was held in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, which was reconstructed and updated. The representatives of the EU Representation in Tajikistan took part at the event, as well as members of the staff of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda and the head of the department on Cooperation of the EU Representation in Tajikistan Machey Adam Madalinsky cut the symbolic ribbon.
The opening ceremony was also attended by: the manager of Regional Development Program Ivan Borisovlevich, the head of LLC «Donish» Umar Kobilov, the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Askarali Barotov and Alisheri Kishwar.
The guests visited the library and used the newly created electronic files, got acquainted with the peculiarities of the using of scientific electronic library.
In his speech, the Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda thanked the EU Representation in Tajikistan for assistance in equipping scientific library. He noted that the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan cooperate with the EU for six years. With the support of the European Union at the Institute implemented grant programs, one of which was aimed at equipping the new library. The library is equipped with modern technology, which allows students, graduate students, doctoral students and teachers to use the latest information and communication technologies. New information technologies have raised service to a new level. As a result of the reconstruction a technical innovations were introduced to the library work, today, the users have access to the two servers in English and Russian languages, which has no analogues in our country.
Also Ashurboy Solehzoda noted that for two years the company Louis Berger organizes the participation of teachers of the institute professional development courses. In the nearest future the Institute plans to organize master's degree study of a public financial management and a center of intellectual development. We are sure that with the support of the European Union and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan will be able to achieve our objectives for improving public financial management system and the training of qualified specialists, - summed up his speech the Rector of FEIT.
The EU representative Machey Adam Madalinskiy in his speech noted that the EU is the main donor in support of education and state finance management in the Republic of Tajikistan. Kitob400.jpgThe support for equipping a new FEIT scientific library was realized in the framework of our project, 100 thousand euros has been allocated for it. We continue to work on further improvement of training programs and ideas processing for improving state financial management, - noted Machey Madalinskiy.
We would like to remind you that since 2009, the project «Support to individual areas of reforms in public financial management », which is financed by the European Union is realized in Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The main element of this project is to improve public financial management system and training of highly qualified specialists of the financial sector.
As the director of the scientific library Abdukaum Yunusov noted in the opening ceremony, in the framework of the aforementioned project the library was equipped with multi-functional modern equipment and furniture, including 36 bookcases, 20 desks, 100 chairs, 2 large tables for an exhibition of books, 3 computer tables, 4 trucks for transportation of books, two desks for library staff. Also, 1500 copies of books in Russian and English languages was donated to the library, which will significantly improve the quality of teaching in groups with English language training.
An electronic library operates in FEIT that has 56 seats. 36 computers, 10 of which are connected to the Internet installed in the library. There are 200 000 books in Tajik, Russian and English languages in E-library fund. With the support of the project e-library of the Institute is connected to the online e-library (jstor.org) and to fund Khigofund.ru library for one year. 
Well-equipped library plays an important role in the development of students, in the training of future highly qualified specialists, forming the erudite and highly moral person.
We want to believe that our students will take advantage of opportunities provided to them and will pay more attention to the formation of their world view and improvement of their knowledge and skills.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva