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The President's Day was celebrated in FEIT

The President's Day was celebrated in FEIT

On November 16 a solemn event dedicated to the President’s Day of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at the conference hall of the Institute. The rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda opened the meeting and highly appreciated the achievements of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in strengthening the State independence in Tajikistan. In particular, he noted: «It is encouraging that at the initiative of the Committee for Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan additions was made to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On public holidays» and annually on November 16 the President's Day of Tajikistan will be celebrated in country. This date is determined by one of the most important values of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan. The achievements of the Leader of the Nation to the people of Tajikistan are invaluable. Our President is recognized at the world level as a wise and knowledgeable politician. We are proud that our country has entered to the top ten countries which chose the path of reform. Today Tajikistan is increasingly strengthening its position and prestige in the international arena and achieve tangible results in all spheres of life».
At the end of his speech A. Solehzoda urged the youth to follow the calls of the Leader of the Nation, study science, make research work, learn foreign languages, take an active part in important social and political affairs, the development of new innovative projects.
The guest of the event - the first Deputy Chief of the Main Department of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Ismatullo Khakimov noted in his speech that the President of the country with his wise policy could as soon as possible to stop the civil war and unite the people of Tajikistan, to stop the process of disintegration of the nation. The main achievement of the Leader of the Nation is that he restored peace and tranquility in the country, has achieved the national unity, ensured a calm life to his people and got love and respect among the common people.
The head of the Department of the Civil Service Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Kumri Azizova also expressed her satisfaction with the new addition to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On public holidays» and congratulated those present with a new celebration - the President’s Day of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The results of the competitions announced in honor of the President's Day of the Republic of Tajikistan were summed up, the winners were awarded with the memorable gifts. Thus, at the competition in chess among men the first place took the team of chess players of the Management and Financial Law Faculty, the second place took the team of the Finance and Credit Faculty, and the third place took the team of the International Economic Relations Faculty.
RPDDMIT400.jpgAs a result of the competition for the best presentation on the topic «The Role of the President in the Development of the Economy» the diploma of 1 category was awarded to the International Economic Relations faculty, the second place took the students of Accounting and Statistics Faculty, the third place was divided between the teams of the Financial Economics Faculty and the Faculty of Tax and Information Technology.
As it was reported earlier, the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan became the winner of the «Top Ten universities of Tajikistan-2016» in the «Favorable Conditions» (the creation of favorable conditions for study and accommodation) and was awarded with Cup, Diploma and a trip to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston». At the event the certificate to the sanatorium «Bakhoriston» was given to Kurbonali Safarov the teacher of the Physical culture and Civil defense department.
In the final part of the meeting the Rector of FEIT solemnly handed the badge and certificate of «Excellence in Education of the Republic of Tajikistan» to the chief specialist of the Education department Mavjuda Davlatova. The Certificates of Honor were given to the teachers of the Institute for active participation in the life of the institute and achievements in professional activities: Saidamir Safarov, Asadullo Mullojonov, Mastura Burieva, Kutbiddin Mukimov, Solehjon Sobirjonov.
At the artistic part of the event, the students gave a concert. They sang the songs and recited poems in honor of the Leader of the Nation, sang their native land.

Nasrullo Tuychizoda