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Discussion of the Problems Ensuring of Food Security of the Country

Discussion of the Problems Ensuring of Food Security of the Country

On November 26, 2016 a regular meeting of the scientific-practical circle «Economic expert» was held at Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The participants of the meeting discussed issues related to the problems of formation of the ways of ensuring food security of the country, historical and scientific and practical bases of studying this problem in modern conditions.
The vice-rector on scientific work of FEIT Giyosiddin Ashurov opened the circle work and introduced the issues under consideration. He drew participants’ attention to the relevance of the topic and emphasized the role of scientists, including the teachers of the institute, in solving problems and developing proposals to ensure food security of the country.
The report by Professor of Economics and Management department of FEIT Vakhob Vohidov on topic «Food security: state and ways of ensuring food security in Tajikistan» was heard at the meeting.
As the speaker noted, the basis of food security is the proper study of the problem, taking into account internal and external factors of the country's development, the widespread use of achievements in the field of agriculture, gardening, plant growing, crop breeding. Effective using of intensive techniques contributes to the early provision of food security, - Professor V. Vohidov summed up his speech.
The Professor of the Agrarian University of Tajikistan Abdurahmon Madaminov also made a speech and noted that the food security of the country, first of all, depends on the ensuring of physical and economic access of food for the population. In this connection it is necessary to study and use the experience of developed countries in this direction, in order to achieve a decent standard of high quality and healthy living of the population.
The work of the regular meeting of the scientific-practical circle “Economic Expert” was informative and interesting from the viewpoint of the need to develop the methodological tasks of food security.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, circle secretary: Sadihoja Madiev