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Discussion of the problems of tourism development in the country

Discussion of the problems of tourism development in the country

On December 3 the international scientific-practical conference «The Prospects of International Tourism Development in the Republic of Tajikistan» was held on the initiative of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The scientists, researchers, native and foreign experts in the field of tourism, the representatives of relevant departments and ministries participated at the conference.
The Rector of FEIT Ashurboy Solehzoda opened the conference and noted the role of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the support and development of tourism. It was noted that tourism in Tajikistan has great potential for development. However the tourism companies make a lot for the development of tourism in Tajikistan, there are still many unresolved problems in this sphere. One of the actual problems is insufficient development of tourism in the country. It is gratifying that today a number of institutions of the republic train the specialists for the tourism industry. The number of institutions is increasing from year to year, but it is necessary that the graduates have the skills and meet the requirements of international standards, - noted Ashurboy Solehzoda.
Turizm400.jpg The Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Youth, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Rizo Nazarzoda made a presentation on the topic «Tourism in Tajikistan: problems and prospects». In his informative presentation he noted that in 2015 the total contribution of the sector to world GDP reached $ 1.5 trillion, 10% of world GDP. Industry directly or indirectly supports every 16th job in the world.
In order to develop tourism in Tajikistan and regulation of the state policy in this sector more than 30 legal acts were adopted in the country. This measure helped to accelerate the development of tourism.
Today, the population of more than 80 countries can get a visa to Tajikistan in 3 international airports in the country. Soon the registration of e-Visa will be on-line. This step will greatly facilitate the entry of foreign tourists in our country.
Tajikistan has great potential for the development of ecological, medical, cultural and educational tourism. A beautiful and unique nature of Tajikistan is a basis for attracting tourists. At the suggestion of the World Tourism Organization 2017 declared as the Year of Sustainable Tourism.
The Republic of Tajikistan has a rich historical and cultural heritage, indescribable beauty of nature, which has both the development of domestic tourism and the reception of foreign citizens. The climate of Tajikistan is able to meet tourists all the year round, the territory of Tajikistan since ancient times was located on important historical ways of the Great Silk Road connecting East and West, and here the ancient traditions and holidays were born, including Navruz. All it play a key role in the development of tourism. But to achieve sustainable development of the industry is necessary to solve the issue of training and advanced training of personnel in the sphere of tourism- summed up his speech Rizo Nazarzoda.  
Turizm401.jpg Regina Gautlina – the expert of the sphere of tourism, the representative of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, noted that she has been operating in Tajikistan for six months, according to her observation and analysis, she can approve that tourism in Tajikistan has great prospects for development. The advantage of Tajikistan is that in all of its regions there are objects, attractive for tourists.
The Head of the Youth, Sport and Tourism Department of Varzob region Rajabali Tursunzoda made a presentation on topic «Varzob is tourist region: the problems and forecasts». The speaker noted that Varzob is known for its unique flora and fauna, mountain landscape, fresh air, attracts thousands of tourists every year. There are more than 145 species of medicinal plants in Varzob. The mineral springs contribute to the development of tourism in this region. After Varzob was called tourist area many measures to attract tourists was taken here. At the moment, there are more than 460 Varzob recreation areas. 
The Chairman of «Madadgor» Association Fattokh Faizulloev and the deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Rustam Kudratov in their speech also noted the problems existing in the tourism sector, and outlined the ways to eliminate the shortcomings. 
Then, interesting and informative presentations were made by: Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Tourism Department of the State Pedagogical University of Tajikistan named after Sadriddin Aini Kholnazar Mukhabbatov on topic «The need for the development of tourism in the Republic of Tajikistan»; the expert of the Project of the European Council, the professor of the university Grenoble (France) Ivan Samson and the head of the tourist company «Orom-Trevel» Miskola Abdulloeva on topic «Development of domestic tourism on the basis of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship».
To confirm the expressed thoughts Ivan Samson gave the example of the model of development of tourism in Switzerland. He noted the need to develop agro-tourism, the organization of special infrastructure, the efficient use of existing resources.
At the end of the first part of the conference on the results of the presentation were discussions. R. Nazarzoda recommended to the administration of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan to organize training for the tourism industry and to apply for joining FEIT to the universities Association training personnel for the tourism industry at the World Tourism Organization, its office is located in Madrid. This organization will provide great opportunities for training highly qualified personnel in the sphere of tourism. The suggestion was accepted by the administration of the institute with great enthusiasm. 
In the afternoon, the conference continued its work in two sections: «The role of the international tourism in representation Tajikistan as a tourist country» and «Development of domestic tourism: problems and prospects». Different problems of this sector have been considered at the sections, including: efficient using of existing resources; the problems and opportunities for the development of international tourism in the country; foundations and prospects of development of agro-tourism; government tourism development programs and the need to develop tourism programs for individual regions of the country; the opportunities for the development of international mountain tourism and sports tourism in the Republic of Tajikistan.
The participants of the conference were heard more than 30 scientific reports. According to the results of the conference the recommendations for the development of tourism and solution of problems in this sector were developed.


Mashkhura Abdulloeva
Nasrullo Tuichizoda