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Caring and compassion by Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan

Caring and compassion by Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan

Caring and compassion to the needy sectors of society, including orphans and the disabled is a good deed.
In order to fulfill the tasks set by the Leader of Nation, Founder of the Peace and National Unity, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, on the eve of all holidays the administration of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan provides financial assistance to pupils of the Republican Boarding School for the Deaf and Dumb in Rudaki district.
On the eve of New Year - 2017 on behalf of the administration of the institute Vice-rector on Educational work of FEIT Zulfiya Akhmedova congratulated  the boarding school pupils and gave New Year gifts to them. She wished the pupils of the boarding school success in study, happiness and good luck in their personal life.
The pupils of boarding school were very happy, inspired by a caring of FEIT administration and made a festive concert for the guests.
The Head of the Republican Boarding School for the Deaf and Dumb thanked the administration of the Finance and Economics Institute of the provided annual support and constant attention.
It should be noted that our Institute is one of the sponsor of the Republican boarding school for the deaf and dumb in Rudaki district and provides ongoing financial support to the pupils of this school.

Khisrav Mukhiddinov