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The conversation radiated a glow of light and heat ray

The conversation radiated a glow of light and heat ray

The meeting of the teachers and students with imomhatibs, the representatives of law enforcement bodies and local executive authorities of the Sino district of Dushanbe was held in FEIT. The topics of the Motherland and patriotism, self-knowledge and self-awareness, the veneration of national and universal values were discussed.
Vice- rector of FEIT Shukrullo Khayrov opened the event and noted the importance and relevance of the discussed problems, measures to prevent the joining of young people into the ranks of non-traditional and extremist religious groups, educating the young people in the spirit of love for the Motherland and patriotism. It was noted that the administration of the Institute makes every effort to train highly qualified personnel to meet the requirements of the international labor market. As Shukrullo Khayrov noted the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan pays special attention to youth policy. The aim of the state policy in the sphere of youth is training erudite and educated specialists, the open-minded and patriotic characters generation. The protecting traditional classical Islam from the effects of extremist’s ideas, respect for national and Islamic values are the priority directions of the policy carried out by the Founder of Peace and Unity, National Leader, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. Only in sustainable, social development society compliance of Islamic principles is possible. It should direct all our thoughts and actions to promote peace and unity in the country. To confirm his statements Sh. Khayrov commented the measures of government policy aimed at the development of science and education.
The Deputy Chairman of the Sino district Muharram Mahmurodzoda in free discussion noted the need to preserve national values, including, referring to the clothing culture, she said: «Tajik people have an ancient and rich history. We must position ourselves in the international level as a highly cultured and spiritually rich nation. Young people should not blindly imitate to foreign culture, not to show interest in someone else's clothes and attributes. We should preserve our culture, our moral principles and values, not to allow the enemy to devalue our history and our traditional identity». Also in her speech, she noted the importance of education worthy generation, compliance of ethics standards and foundations.
The Head of the 2nd Internal Affairs department of Sino district, police colonel Numonzoda Rahmatullo Islom as a representative of law enforcement agencies expressed concern about the joining of the youth in extremist and terrorist groups. The result of it is bloody wars and conflicts in several countries, including Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and some other countries, the innocent people die. The colonel noted that now a number of states are obsessed with the desire to review the current world order, they want individually control the world's wealth, with this aim, they confronted the Muslims. He gave the example Syria, a country that in the recent past has been one of the rich and socially developed countries, but now it ruins and the arena of bloody wars.
Imomhatib of the cathedral mosque of Borbad village in Dushanbe Davlat Isoev noted in his speech that the family, society and the educational institution are one element in the formation of personality. In the process of education of young people the teacher plays an important role, his word should have a great educational significance for the younger generation. He stressed that the teacher exudes light and heat, making the world kinder and brighter, he is a guiding light for young people.
In the final part of the event, the participants put forward for the consideration of the question of occurrence of traffic jams on the roads, offered to organize the corners of samples of national clothes.
The participants got answers to their questions.

Navruz Jobirov