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Youth Forum

Youth Forum

Within the framework of the events dedicated to the Youth Year, on May 20, at the initiative of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district in Dushanbe, the Youth Forum of Sino district under the title «Let's build the future together» was held  in the building of the International Presidential School of Dushanbe, in which the PDPT veterans and activists of the social life of the district took part.
Opening the work of the Forum, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district in Dushanbe, Zarrina Fayzullozoda noted that the youth's contribution to strengthening the foundations of the state, strengthening national unity, and ensuring sustainable economic development of the country is huge. In order for the young generation become a true builder of the future of their Motherland, steadily and successfully developed the country's huge potential, so that young men and women with all seriousness and responsibility understand that it is their generation that is to be provided for the socio-economic development of Tajikistan, we should strengthen work towards Patriotic upbringing of the younger generation, to develop cooperation in this area with relevant structures, ministries and public organizations. She also noted that the youth of the Sino district, supported the proposal of the Founder of the Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to declare 2017 year as the Year of Youth, strives to fulfill the tasks assigned to youth by multiplying the authority of Tajikistan in the international arena.
Forum4003.jpgHead of the analytical department of the Central Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan Mahmadullo Naimov in his speech noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon always pays special attention to the problems of youth. In this connection, in the next Address of the Majlisi Oli he proposed to declare 2017 the Year of Youth. Today, in all 430 jamoats, in 68 towns and districts of the country, such forums and events are held with an active participation of young people.
Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the PDPT Rukiya Kurbonova, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Dushanbe Rahmonzoda Zoir Faizali, Deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamshed Saidov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Movement and Revival of Tajikistan Asrori Mirzoshohrukh, member of the Majlisi Mili, poetess Mehriniso Bobobekova, Deputy Chairman of the Sino district of Dushanbe Mahmurodzoda Mahramoi, Chairman of the Public Youth Organization «Sozandagoni Vatan» of the central executive Committee of the PDPT Rahmonzoda Abdullo participated at the Forum.
The pupils of secondary schools and students of the institutions of Sino district of Dushanbe exposed their achievements to the participants of the Forum.
It should be noted that the teachers and students of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan also took an active part in the forum and exhibited their achievements at the organized exhibition. The Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district in Dushanbe expressed gratitude to the FEIT for its active participation in the political, cultural and sport sectors of the Forum.

Khisrav Mukhiddinov