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Congratulations with victory!

Congratulations with victory!

As it was informed, on March 31, 2017 (No. 14 (84)) the newspaper «Moliya va iqtisod» («Finance and economics») in honor of the Youth Year announced a competition for the best analytical article on the scientific and educational life of young people among students and employees of the Institute.
In the framework of the announced competition, the editorial office received 15 articles, twelve of which were published in the newspaper.
The members of the editorial team, taking into account the relevance of the selected topic and the content of the articles, provided the Institute's administration with the names of the authors of the best articles for recognition. The following authors were among the finalists of the competition: Navruz Jobirov - editor of the publishing department of FEIT was awarded the first place, Jovidon Khalifaev - third-year student of the Financial Economics and Taxation Faculty  took second place, first-year students of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty  Ozorova Mavzuna and Sherova Farahnoz were awarded the third place.For the active participation PhD of Finance and Economics institute of Tajikistan  Afzalsho Bobozoda, a fourth-year student of the Management and Financial Law Faculty Jamoliddin Sharipov , a third-year student of the Finance and Credit Faculty Nosirov Behruz, a second-year student of the International Economic Relations Faculty Sufiev Ishomuddin were also awarded prize places in the competition.

On May 31, the rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Davlatzoda Kudrat at the meeting of the Academic Council gave to the winners of the competition certificates and monetary prizes established by the administration of the institute.
The editorial staff also congratulates and wishes the winners of the competition new creative success.
