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Congratulation of the rector in honor of the 26th anniversary of the State Independence

Congratulation of the rector in honor of the 26th anniversary of the State Independence

Dear colleagues and students!
I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, I wish each of you a bright future, a peaceful sky, and to our beloved country - sustainable development and the multiplication of achievements.
State independence is one of the most important achievements and a holy holiday for our people. Independence of our state and peace in our ancient land became stable and unshakable, thanks to the efforts of the Founder of the Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. The state independence provided tremendous opportunities for our country, thanks to the gained independence, our country took a worthy place in the international arena. It is gratifying that today Tajikistan plays a significant role in solving world problems. Independence became a symbol of the strength of our state, the dedication and creative striving of our people ensured peace and harmony on our land. The unity of the people is the unity and power of the state. We are proud that today the experience of Tajikistan in achieving peace and harmony is recognized by the world community.
Independence, as a symbol of freedom, national unity, justice and peace, poses new tasks for us, each of us must contribute to the protection and preservation of our statehood, to work for the benefit of the people, to strive for the revival and preservation of national values. I wish all the staff of the Institute and our students to succeed in this difficult matter.
I sincerely wish that the 26th anniversary of the State Independence will become a symbol of overcoming the heights leading to the perfection of our nation and state, a symbol of firm steps towards the construction of a modern, democratic state and the formation of a society where mutual understanding and love for the Motherland reign, where is the belief in the best future.
May your hearts be filled with love for the lands of the ancestors and pride in our people. Let the rays of Independence illuminate our land, and bring to the house of every inhabitant of our country peace, happiness and prosperity.

I congratulate you with the holiday of state independence!

Rector of FEIT
Doctor of economic sciences, professor Davlatzoda K.K.