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Regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies is a way to improve people's lives

Regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies is a way to improve people's lives

On September 18, 2017, the conversation of the administration of the institute with the teaching staff and students, devoted to studying and explaining the changes and amendments introduced into the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» and other normative legal acts in the sphere of ordering traditions, celebrations and ceremonies was held in the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
Rector of FEIT Kudrat Davlatzoda noted that one of the main direction of activities of the administration of the headed by him institution is aimed at taking measures and carrying out activities related to the fulfillment of the instructions and orders of the head of state, as well as the orders of the Government of Tajikistan in the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan». In particular, a group of active teachers and students of the FEIT was organized, who talked with the population of Vakhdat town about the topic of amendments and additions to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan». In the events which were held in Vakhdat, we talked with the people about the essence of the Law «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» and the need to make changes and additions to it. During these talks, it was felt that people are pleased with the changes and amendments adopted and fully support it. It should be noted that these changes and amendments were created and introduced into the Law «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» on the basis of submissions and proposals of the citizens of the country. The new norms of the law are timely and aimed at protecting the interests of the population and improving the quality of people’s life. For 10 years of the Law of RT «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan» certain results have been achieved. For ten years, thanks to this law, the level of poverty in Tajikistan has decreased. It was very often when people performing ceremonies and various celebrations allowed wastefulness, all this became negative in society and became the reason for the uneconomical expenditure of savings, and, as a result, the deterioration of the quality of life. This law does not infringe the rights of citizens; on the contrary, it is aimed at improving living conditions, eliminating groundless waste. The law for the period of implementation laid the foundation for the protection of values and ensured social equality. The saved funds are directed by the population to improve living conditions, construction and housing improvement, education and upbringing of children, K. Davlatzoda summed up his speech.
Jamrod Boboev, the Head of the Economic Law Department noted that during 10 years of the Law of RT «On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan », the main goal was achieved - ensuring sustainable economic development of the country. The implementation of the Law contributed to the protection of the social interests of the inhabitants of the country, reducing poverty and suppressing unnecessary expenditures. The amendments and additions have economic and legal aspects as well. Now such holidays as Idi Kurbon and Ramazon will be celebrated without waste. The circumcision ceremony will be done without slaughtering cattle and inviting singers. Measures have also been taken to simplify the organization of funeral ceremonies. All this is aimed at reducing the poverty level of the population.
The Head of the Humanitarian Sciences Department Asadullo Mullodzhonov also noted the timely adoption of amendments and additions to the Law « On the regulation of celebrations, traditions and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan», stressed that the Law on improving the economic condition of the population also provides for the improvement of the national culture. As A. Mullodzhonov noted, the new version of the Law is aimed at preventing excessive and unnecessary expenses, ensuring decent living conditions for our children, developing the country and supporting low-income families.