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A Sign of Respect to the Teacher and the State Language

A Sign of Respect to the Teacher and the State Language

On October 5, 2017 in honor of the State Language Day and Teacher's Day a solemn event took place at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The Chairman of the PDPT Executive Committee in the Sino district Faizullozoda Zarina, the Head of the Terminology Department of the Committee on Language and Terminology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Zulfoniyon Rahim Rajabzoda, the Chief editor of the journal «Moliya va hisobdori» of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Momagul Shodieva took part at the event. The Rector of FEIT Professor Kudrat Davlatzoda opened the event with a congratulatory speech. He noted that the Tajik language is an invaluable wealth of our people, the main component of our spirituality, a sign of the existence of the nation and the state. Exalting the language is a tribute to the history, spirituality and culture of our people.  The Rector also noted that each of us should strive to protect our national values, the main of which is the Tajik language.
Congratulating the teachers on a professional holiday, Davlatzoda Kudrat noted that a teacher, an educator is not just a profession, it is a vocation, an uneasy and responsible mission. He wished the teachers success in professional work and happiness in their personal life.
The guests of the festive event - Faizullozoda Zarina, Momagul Shodieva, Zulfoniyon Rahim also congratulated the teachers on the holidays. It was noted in their speech that due to the acquired state independence, the Tajik language as a state language became widely used in all spheres of public life, in political, social and economic spheres, in education and culture, in internal and external trelations of the state. Tajik language today is one of the main factors of the unification of the nation and peoples inhabiting Tajikistan. There are many peoples in the world who have lost their native language, and with it their own identity. But Tajik language, having passed many difficulties and trials, did not disappear, but on the contrary became even more influential. Today, thanks to independence, the Tajik language again took its former high position and acquired the status of the state language. The state independence gave new opportunities for the development of our culture and spirituality, a new period in the development of the Tajik language has come. Tajik language after gaining the status of statehood has become a unifying factor and a subject of national pride, the basis of statehood. It is gratifying that every year the influence of the Tajik language as an official language is multiplying.
Zabdon4001.jpgThe professor of the Tajik language department Shahboz Kabirov made a report on the theme «The Language is the Factor of the Nation's Stability» and the Associate professor of the same department Saidamir Safarov on the theme «The Leader of the Nation is the Protector and the Defender of the Language». The speakers noted the role of the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rakhmon in the preservation and strengthening the positions of Tajik language. The language, on whose defense is the state and the law, cannot disappear. Tajik language, becoming a national shrine, every day acquires its former power and potential, - noted the speakers.
Saidamir Safarov in his report noted the special role of the Leader of the Nation in raising the status of the Tajik language. He also noted that the statements of our President about the Tajik language and its status inspire us to new achievements in the sphere of preserving and developing our native language.
It was noted that the state language, representing the nation, is the main factor of statehood. S. Safarov summed up his speech «We, as native speakers, should know and honor our language, keep the State Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan», do office work in an understandable and accessible Tajik language». 
In the final part of the event, Momagul Shodieva congratulated the staff of the institute on behalf of the journal on the holiday and expressed gratitude to the Rector of FEIT Davlatzoda K.K., the Head of the Technological park of the Institute F. Ubaidulloev, and a number of students for effective cooperation with the journal.
Then, FEIT teachers Boboev Ch., Drozdenko L., Khamidov A., Kodirov J., Hakimov S., Maidiev S., Mirakov K., Davlatshoeva Z., Sohibov F., Akramov M., Sharbatov B., Himmatova Z., Mirzoeva E., Mangitov M., Sobirjonov S., Soliev M., Mahmadmurodov A., Safarov M., Rofizoda S. were awarded with diplomas of the Institute for professionalism and active participation in public life.
The event ended with a concert program prepared by the Culture Department of the Institute, headed by Juramurodi Muhammadnazar. The students performed with songs, dances, recited poems dedicated to the Tajik language and Teacher's praise.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva