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Constitution day was celebrated

Constitution day was celebrated

On November 4, 2017 a solemn meeting on the occasion of the 23rd  anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan.
Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Bahtovar Safarzoda, counselor-lawyer of the Executive Committee of PDPT in Dushanbe Daler Safaraliev, professors and students of the FEIT took part at the event.
The rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, Kudrat Davlatzoda opened the solemn meeting, congratulating everybody on the holiday, and noted that the Constitution is the basic and crucial law of the state, guaranteeing freedom and individual rights. The current Constitution, as the fundamental value of our people, played a historic role for the country. It was developed and adopted on the basis of the people's proposals taking into account the world experience, it is the embodiment of the unity of the nation and represents our country on the world stage.
Today, we should fully realize our filial duty to the people and the Motherland, to strive honestly for the prosperity of our country, to appreciate the achievements of independence, to respect our Constitution, and under the wise leadership of the Leader of the Nation, to strive for strengthening stability and national unity, for the norms of the Constitution remained a guarantee of state protection of human rights and freedoms. Kudrat Davlatzoda  in the conclusion of his speech noted that our Constitution as a guarantee of the rights and freedoms of citizens as a symbol of the unity and prosperity of the country provides us with every opportunity to lay a solid foundation and a reliable basis for the construction of a socially sustainable state.
Then, Professor Safarzoda B.A. concentrated on the importance of the Constitution in national statehood and in public life. He noted that the Constitution as a legal document is the main law of the state, which fixes the organization of the political power and determines its relationship with society and citizens, it is a program for the further progress of the society, defining its goals and objectives.
In connection with the historical changes in the society, several constitutional reforms have been carried out in the Republic of Tajikistan aimed at ensuring the transition to a new state structure and the achievement of certain political goals, as well as compliance with the historical, political and economic realities of the modern world.
The professor summed up his speech and noted that another problem is the provision of a legally justified response to the world's challenges. The norms of the Constitution and their observance create conditions for ensuring the freedoms and rights of citizens, establishing public order and state security. He urged the younger generation to make maximum efforts to implement the youth policy set by the Leader of the Nation, to be initiative and active.
The teacher of the Economic and Financial Law Department Fotekh Rasulov made a report on the theme «Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and its Role in the Legal and Political Life of the Country». The reporter noted that the Constitution has the highest legal force and is the basis of all other legislation of the country. It regulates basic social relations and affects virtually all spheres of society - political, economic, social and others.
It should be noted that the meeting was very interesting and informative. Such events positively influence the increase of the legal culture of youth and the expansion of their knowledge about normative legal acts.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva