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National Flag Day was Celebrated

National Flag Day was Celebrated

On November 22 at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan Vice-rector for Science of the FEIT Firuz Kodirov noted in his congratulatory speech that the national flag, being one of the main symbols of statehood, embodies the national heritage. He congratulated everybody on the holiday and noted that the National Flag is a symbol of sovereignty and independence, during the period of state independence it became the main symbol of the formation of statehood and the strengthening of national unity. For our people is the happiness that today our national flag is recognized all over the world as a flag of a sovereign country with an ancient history. The national flag confirms the continuity of generations, strengthens the patriotic spirit of youth. Under the flag of the Homeland, our young people go through life, and contribute to the prosperity of their Motherland.
Kodirov F. summarized his speech and said that the staff and the students of the institute proudly celebrate National Flag Day, honor our national traditions and realize that the state flag is the main factor of self-consciousness. 
Then, Associate Professor of the Humanitarian Sciences Department Asadullo Mulojonov made a speech on theme «From the History of the Flag of the Tajik People». He gave information about the history of the emergence of the Tajik flag and national traditions in this direction. He noted that the history of the flag of the Tajik people goes back to ancient times. The most famous ancient flag is the Cavian banner – «Dirafshi Caviyani». Today, the National Flag is one of the symbols of the state, which is the embodiment of its independence and sovereignty, which represents Tajikistan throughout the world as a sovereign, secular and democratic state.
The participants of the event also listened to the report of the lecturer of the Economic and Financial Law Department Rakhmatullo Homidov on the theme «The National Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is a National Shrine». The reporter noted that the National Flag is a symbol of the country's development. Sovereignty and independence of the country is symbolized by the national flag. The flag of the country as a symbol is extremely important for the upbringing of patriotism, love for the homeland, a sense of the spiritual unity of generations and pride for the Motherland. Under the national banner, the people of Tajikistan create their future and make progress in all spheres of life.
In the final part of the event, some students, including Dilshod Davlatov, Akhmadshoh Saidmusallamzoda, Khusniddinova Zarina, Pirov Navruzbek, Aliev Muzaffar in a solemn atmosphere were awarded with the Certificates of the Executive Committee of PDPT in the Sino district of Dushanbe for excellent study and active participation in the public life of the institute.
A solemn event dedicated to the State Flag Day of the Republic of Tajikistan was held in a solemn atmosphere and again demonstrated confidence in the future, love to the Motherland and pride for the country.

Mashhura Abdulloeva