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Counteracting Corruption is the Main Factor in the Development of the Society

Counteracting Corruption is the Main Factor in the Development of the Society

On November 29, 2017 as part of the implementation of the «Strategy for Counteracting Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2013-2020» Finance and Credit Faculty organized a Round table on the relevant topic. The head of the second department of the Main Anti-Corruption Department of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight with Corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan, Nigora Mukimi took part in the Round table.
Vice-rector for Science of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Firuz Kodirov, explaining the purpose of this event, noted that it is aimed at prevention the corruption, as corruption adversely affects the social and economic development of the country.
Then the participants of the Round table listened to the report of Nigora Mukimi on the topic «Counteraction to Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan». The reporter noted that combating corruption is one of the main directions of state policy in Tajikistan. The effectiveness of state policy in this direction depends 
on the political will of the country's leadership. All branches of state power should participate in the implementation of the anti-corruption policy, and all institutions of civil society should be involved. For this reason, every resident of the country should take an active position on counteracting corruption, - concluded N. Mukimi.
Also, with a substantive report on the theme «Social and economic consequences of the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Fight against Corruption in the Republic of Tajikistan», the senior lecturer of the Department of Banking Activities S.Mashgulov made a speech.
In the final part of the Round table, between the participants of the event and employees of the Agency for State Financial Control and Fight against Corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a substantive dialogue.

Amirhon Barotov,
adviser for educational work
Finance and Credit Faculty