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Personnel changes and FEIT activities for the previous year

Personnel changes and FEIT activities for the previous year

By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from 10January, 2018, No. 7 Davlatzoda Kudrat Kambar was appointed Director of the Agency for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. By the decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan  from 10 January 2018, No. 9 Khairzoda Shukrullo Kurbonali was appointed Rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. On January 10, an extraordinary extended meeting of the Academic Council with the participation of  teachers and staff of the FEIT was held  at the Institute. The Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan Nuriddin Said also took part in the meeting and informed the staff of the Institute about the personnel changes.
Nuriddin Said thanked Davlatzoda K.K. for the achieved success for the period of his activity as rector, and wished the new appointed rector Shukrullo Khairzoda success in the new sphere.
Davlatzoda K.K. made a speech before the participants of the meeting, thanked the staff of the FEIT for the support and contribution to the improvement of the Institute's activities.
The new Rector of the FEIT Shukrullo Khairzoda noted that, under the support of the staff of the institute will make every effort to implement the directions and recommendations of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, arising from his  Address to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the tasks set by the Ministry of Education of the Republic Tajikistan. He urged his colleagues to take the initiative and professional activity in order to ensure the stable functioning of the activity of the institute and fulfill the obligations.
In accordance with the agenda, the Rector's report on the results of the activity of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan in 2017 and tasks for 2018 was heard.
Reporting in detail for the reporting period, the rector of the Institute Khairzoda Sh. outlined the plan of activity for 2018.
The activities of all structures of the Institute and outlined the tasks for improving the educational system, improving scientific, methodological and educational work, strengthening international relations were considered at the report.
Rect4001.jpgAs Khairzoda Sh. noted, the results of 2017 indicate that the FEIT has achieved certain success in all directions of its activities, which is the result of the good organization of  administration and control over the educational process. It is gratifying that last year our institute, having scored 193 points, took the fourth place in the rating of 39 institutions of Tajikistan, which is a great achievement for our staff.
Khairzoda Sh. noted that great results have been achieved by our teachers also in the research direction, so, in 2017 our 5graduate students successfully defended their thesis for the degree of candidate of science. The achieved results testify to the professionalism of the teachers, their responsibility, creative approach to work and contribute to the increase of the prestige of the FEIT both in the country and outside it.
Along with positive results, the rector of the Institute also noted some shortcomings committed by the structures of the educational institution in its activity. Thus, the shortcomings were committed by some curators who could not ensure full implementation of the plans for conducting demonstrative lessons, as well as the Regulations on the establishment of clusters of innovative teaching. It was suggested to reduce the number of working groups operating in the structure of the governing bodies of the Institute through the introduction of a self-monitoring system.
In the final part of the speech, the head of the institute, having determined the main tasks of the FEIT for 2018, noted that the main duty of the staff is the upbringing of highly qualified specialists that meet the requirements of the world labor market, but at the same time the patriotic education of students should be an important component of the educational process.
The main factors ensuring the development of the educational institution and educational system are the improvement of state standards of education, the improvement of syllabus and programs, the professional growth of teachers through studying in advanced training courses. It should be noted that the teachers of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan are constantly being trained at various courses and improving their professional skills, - concluded Khairzoda Sh.
Amrullo Nuralizoda, Koshonova M.R., Davlatzoda Abdullo participated in the debate and suggested that the activity of the FEIT in 2017 would be considered satisfactory. The speakers gave recommendations on the elimination of the noted shortcomings.
In the final part of the meeting, a number of teachers and staff of the Institute, including Safarov B., Ismoilov S., Nasriddinov F., Davlatov H., Mansurova J., Odinaev B., Najmiddinov A., Holboboev M., Mirjamolov M., Davlatzoda A., Bukhoriev M., Mukhtorov Z. were awarded certificates.
The tasks for 2018 were outlined in order to improve educational and methodological, research and upbringing activities.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva