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The results of FEIT activities

The results of FEIT activities

On February 5, 2018 a press conference was held at the press center of the National Information Agency «Khovar» where the administration of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan informed journalists on the activities of the institute for the first half of the 2017-2018 academic year.
Rector of FEIT Shukrullo Khairzoda gave information about the achievements of the Institute during the reporting period. He noted that in 2017 the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, gaining 193 points, took the fourth place in the ranking of higher educational institutions of the country, which is a great achievement for the staff of the institute. Several students participated in various republican competitions and won prizes, this indicates the effective work of the staff of FEIT.
At the moment, there is a fruitful work aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the institution in the modern market of higher education, improving the quality of education, providing a high level of training of specialists, modernizing the educational process and transfer to the electronic management of the institute. At the present stage, the provision of students with educational and methodical electronic material is carried out through tablets and laptops, - said Sh. Khairzoda.
The information about the results of students' admission to the FEIT in 2017 was also given. So, in 2017 year more than 39305 students during the registration at the National Test Center for continuation of education indicated to the FEIT as a prospective educational institution (in this direction the institute took the sixth place among the universities of the country). In the 2017-2018 academic year, FEIT fulfilled the student enrollment plan by 95.6 percent, which is 7 percent higher than last year.
Great results have been achieved in the research direction. Four teachers defended their thesis for the degree of candidate of science. The rector noted that the administration of the Institute supports and encourages teachers who plan to defend their theses outside the country.
Within the framework of the announced International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development», the Scientific and Practical Conference was held at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan, a special Internet page was established, since 2018 a permanent circle «Water for Sustainable Development» has started its work.
2018 was declared the Year of Tourism and Folk handicrafts Development in Tajikistan, in connection with it, a new specialty - international tourism was established in the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. Also, within the framework of the Year of Tourism and Folk handicrafts Development, numerous events and historical excursions are envisaged, - the rector of FEIT emphasized.
FEIT actively develops cooperation with foreign universities. So, the professor of the Department of Mathematical and Informational Modeling of FEIT Mirzoahmedov F. was invited in 2017 to one of the prestigious universities of Turkey to give lectures to students.
The Rector of the FEIT gave detailed information on the educational, scientific, methodological, scientific and research, educational and international activities of the educational institution entrusted to him. The tasks for the near future were outlined.
As a result of the press conference, the journalists received the answers to their numerous questions.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva