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The Study of the Address at the Faculty

The Study of the Address at the Faculty

On February 6, 2018 at the Finance and Credit Faculty at the initiative of the administration of Faculty, as well as for the implementation of the approved plan of activities a Round table was organized on the study and explanation of the Address of the President of Republic of Tajikistan, the Leader of Nation Emomali Rahmon to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan .Vice-rectors of the FEIT Kodirov F. and Kodirova B., the head of the Insurance Department Madiev S., the teachers and students of the faculty took part at the event.
The Dean of the Faculty Sheraliev E. opened the Round table and explained the meaning and essence of the Address for the country's public life, noted that the Address of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan should be guidance in all our endeavors.
Vice-rector of FEIT Kodirov F. gave information to the participants about the basic economic aspects of the Address. He noted that priorities directions in this fateful document are the development of tourism, a moratorium on inspections of enterprises of the production sector, the provision of tax incentives, etc.
The head of the Insurance Department S.Madiev made a report on the topic «Implementation of the Guidelines Resulting from the Address, through Economic Models». The speaker explained the economic aspects of the Address with the help of models.
In the final part of the event, the pro-rector for Educational work Kodirova B. thanked the administration of the faculty for the Round table. She noted that such activities play a great role in educating the youth.

Muboraki Nazrimad