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On February 22, a solemn event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan was held at the FEIT.  Deputy Commander of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel Badriddin Mirzoev, the representative of the PDPT Executive Committee in the Sino district Abdumajid Muminov, the representative of the Committee on Youth Affairs and Sport under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Shakhnoza Boboeva took part at the event.
The solemn event was opened by the Rector of the FEIT Shukrullo Khairzoda, who congratulated the guests on the holiday and noted that our National Army, over the 25 years of its existence, proved that it is the bulwark, support and reliable shield of the state, the main guarantor of peace and stability in the country, the efforts of our soldiers and officers are directed to the defense of the Fatherland.
With the formation of  the National Army, which became the main support of the state, our country for 25 years has passed many tests and achieved the strengthening of its statehood.
Our youth should be perspective, effectively developing, but at the same time should strive not to lose themselves as a nation, to protect spiritual and moral values, to resist distortion of national, historical, moral consciousness. Together with our National Army we must guard our Fatherland, protect our achievements, strive to strengthen statehood, educate youth in a spirit of patriotism and high civil responsibility, - the rector summed up his speech.
Then, Colonel Badriddin Mirzoev made a speech before the participants and guests. Congratulating everybody on the holiday, he spoke about the history of the formation of the National Army of the Republic of Tajikistan and the role of the Leader of the Nation, the President of the country in the formation and strengthening of the Army.
The results of the competitions organized within the framework of the Year of Tourism and Folk Crafts Development and dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the National Army of the Republic of Tajikistan were also summed up at the event, the winners were awarded with Diplomas and Certificates of Honor.
Art4001.jpgThus, the Department of Economic and Financial Law took the first place with 22.5 points in the rating of the departments of the Institute in all areas, including educational and methodical, research, international relations, and upbringing. Banking Department with 97.5 points was awarded the first place in the direction of educational and methodological activities. The Practical Informatics department got 32.5 points and took the first place in the direction of international relations. The Systems and Information Technologies in Economics Department, which got 37.2 points, took the first place in the direction of research activities. The Financial management department with 70 points was awarded the first place in the direction of organizational and educational work. The winners were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.
Also, the results of the volleyball competition were summed up, the first place was taken by the team of the International Economic Relations faculty, the second place - the Management and Financial Law faculty, the third place took the volleyball team of the Financial Economics and Taxation faculty. The winners were awarded diplomas and cups.
In the solemn part of the event, soldiers- internationalist, veterans of power structures and institute teachers who actively participated in the life of the institute received the awards. Including Khairzoda Sh.K., Nasriddinov F.B, Khaitov S., Nozimov H., Zukhurov M. were awarded the medal of the Council of Veterans of the Russian Federation. The teachers Usmonov U., Juraev H., Boboev D., Davlatov B., Kholboboev R., Inoyatov F., Gulov A., Davlatov B., Bukhoriev M. were awarded the Certificates of Honor.
In the artistic part of the event, there was an interesting concert program, prepared by the students under the direction of Juramurodi Muhammadnazar.
The event was held in a warm, friendly holiday atmosphere. It should be noted that holding such events promotes the patriotic education of students and youth.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva