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Dear colleagues and students!

Dear colleagues and students!

Today the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan is celebrated in the country. The National Army of Tajikistan is a reliable shield of the state, which guarantees peace and stability in the country. Our army has overcome many difficulties on its way and today is the pride of our people. The National army of Tajikistan, ensuring peace and stability in the country, stands on the protection of the sovereignty of the republic. It is the guarantor of the security of the country and society.
It should be noted that the Government pays paramount importance to strengthening our Army, providing our Armed Forces with modern equipment and machinery, taking care of the well-being of officers and soldiers.
The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Tajikistan, the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, in his speeches, notes that we must constantly show political vigilance. Protection of the security of the Fatherland is a sacred duty not only for soldiers, but for every sober-minded citizen. Love for the Fatherland, be ready to defend the Fatherland, ensure peace and stability are the highest values that should be guide for the youth of the country in their live. 
Today, our efforts should be aimed at improving the level and quality of education and upbringing work. Along with our military, we must stand on defending the achievements of the era of state independence; selflessly serve the Fatherland, show courage, bravery and a high sense of national pride.
Taking advantage of the moment, I congratulate all the military of our Army, teachers and students of the Institute on the 25th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan. I wish everyone peace and prosperity, health and well-being!

Shukrullo Khairzoda, rector of the FEIT