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The reliable shield of homeland

The reliable shield of homeland

The strength and power of each state is determined by its army. As the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon noted, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan is one of the main assets of the period of state independence. Our National Army, from the first days of its creation, stood up for the defense of sovereignty and was able to ensure peace and stability in the country, became the guarantor of the security of the state and society.
The Day of the National Army of the Republic of Tajikistan was especially celebrated at all faculties of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. So, on February 21 a solemn event dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland was held at the conference hall of the Institute on the initiative of the leadership of the Finance and Credit Faculty. The dean of the faculty, Emomali Sheraliev, the representatives of the National Guard of the Republic of Tajikistan Mukhammadiev A. and Karaev H., the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the FEIT Saidali Khaitov gave information about the history of the creation of the National Army and its role in the establishment of statehood in Tajikistan. It was noted that our Army for 25 years of its existence fulfilled the tasks, on the decision of which the fate of our state depended. The speakers urged the youth to be patriots of their Motherland and contribute to the development of the country.
A third-year student, M. Tursunova, made a comprehensive report on the topic of the National Army.
In the final part of the event the faculty teachers N.Ashurov and S.Khaitov, first-year student Faizzoda F. and a number of guests got memorable gifts and diplomas of honor of the faculty.
The same solemn event was organized at the International Economic Relations Faculty. The event started with a song on a patriotic theme. Under the sound of the song, the students brought into the hall the State Flag of Tajikistan. The dean of the faculty Giyosiddin Ashurov congratulated the participants of the event on the holiday and noted that the soldiers and officers of the National Army of Tajikistan worthily serve the Motherland and protect the achievements of the State independence of the country. For 25 years of its existence, our Army has proved that it is a reliable shield of the state and a guarantor of peace and stability in the country. Our youth should appreciate what was created by the older generation, love the Homeland, and should be ready to defend our native land.
The Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Institute Saidali Khaitov, the teacher of the Customs activity department Haidar Makhmadzoda and the students of the faculty who made speech before the participants of the event gave information about the history of the formation of the National Army and its contribution to the establishment of peace and stability in the country.
At the final part of the event the students performed with a concert program. They recited poetry on a patriotic theme, showed dramatizations.
The event ended with the presentation of certificates of honor to the active students of the faculty.

Nasrullo Tuychizoda