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Tajikistan and the global securities market: the basis and opportunities of the institute

Tajikistan and the global securities market: the basis and opportunities of the institute

24.02.2018. Today, a scientific and practical conference on theme «Tajikistan and the world securities market: the basis and opportunities for participation» was held at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, of the National Bank of Tajikistan, commercial banks, the scientists and specialists, as well as teachers and students took part at the conference.
The Rector of FEIT Shukrullo Khairzoda opened the conference and noted the role of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan in training specialists for financial and economic sector of the country. The teaching staff of the Institute, in cooperation with line ministries and structures, makes efforts to improve the quality of education and training of specialists who meet the requirements of the international labor market. The rector also noted that this conference is also organized in the framework of research activities aimed at improving the level of education of the students.
The Rector also noted that the securities market and exchange funds, being a constituent element of economic sector of the country, can help to attract free funds and investments in all economic spheres.
Since 2012, the Exchange Activities and Securities Department, which is a scientific and educational unit of the Finance and Credit Faculty has been operating at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The department and the faculty as a whole make a great contribution to the training of highly qualified personnel.
Krm4001.jpgDeputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamshed Nurmuhammadiyon made a report on theme «The current state and prospects of the securities market in the Republic of Tajikistan», noted: «The securities market is an important direction of the economy of the country. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan initially made every effort to form and develop this market. At the first years of the establishment of state independence in Tajikistan, the Law «On Joint Stock Companies» and the Law «On Precious Securities and Stock Markets» were adopted, which played a decisive role in the formation of the securities market. The adoption of these regulatory and legal acts provided an opportunity to regulate the process of privatization of state-owned enterprises, which resulted in the emergence of a new class of society - shareholders of joint-stock companies».
Also, the participants of the conference heard the report of the Director of LLC «Stock Exchange of Central Asia» Alisher Shernazarov on the theme «The Problems of the Development of the Stock Exchange of Central Asia in the Republic of Tajikistan». The author of the report noted that the Central Asia Stock Exchange was established in April 2015 and is a relatively new financial institution operating in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Central Asian Stock Exchange is a single platform for trading in securities. The main aim of the Stock Exchange of Central Asia is the formation of a convenient, transparent, reliable investment environment for local and foreign investors. This is a platform where the companies have the opportunity to raise additional funds by issuing their securities.
Mirhayot Yakubov, the head of the Open Market Operations Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan, made a report on theme «Regulation of securities from the point of view of monetary policy».
In the final part of the conference, an interesting and informative dialogue took place between the participants.
In the afternoon the conference continued its work in the sections.
Based on the results of the conference, recommendations and proposals for the development of the securities market were developed and recommended to the relevant ministries and structures for study and application.

Nawruz Jobirov