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In these spring days, when spring awakens and brings sincere delight and raging joy, I congratulate you all on Mother's Day! I wish you all health, happiness, luck and success!
Thanks to the achieved Independence and the immediate initiative of the Founder of the Peace and National Unity-the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, the Mother's Day has been revived in our country and is celebrated with special triumph.
Mother's Day is celebrated once a year, and this is one of the most moving holidays, because from childhood to the last days we bear in our soul the incomparable and unique image - the image of our Mother. The mother for each of us is the closest and dearest person; she is the source of life, the first teacher for her child. God gave the woman a sacred mission - to give Life! The mother for man is the most precious and dearest person; her immense love illuminates the life path of each of us. Woman - Mother is the source of life, she symbolizes beauty, warmth of the heart, tenderness of feelings, and she is the light of her house.
Today, through the efforts of the Government of the country, a woman in our society has achieved a high social status. The women are attracted to the active social and political life of the country; enjoy the authority and respect of their fellow citizens.
Today, all favorable conditions for the active work of women and girls are created in our country.
The role of woman is great in the strengthening of society, the creation of a happy family, the upbringing of children. Tajik women are by nature diligent housewives and caring mothers.
We are proud of the fact that 244 women work at our institute, 4 of them are doctors of science, 14 candidates of science. Of the total number of teachers, 134 are women whose contribution is enormous in the implementation of the educational and upbringing process. More than 1400 girls study at FEIT. We are proud of our students.
The most melodic sound of life is the beating of the Mother's heart. We wish that this bright sun never faded, and pleased us with its warmth and tenderness.
Once again, I sincerely congratulate all of you - our dear women with the revered Mother's Day holiday. As the poet wrote: «Love and honor your mothers, because heaven is under mothers’ feet».

Rector of FEIT Shukrullo Khairzoda