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Celebrations in the honor of the Navruz holiday in FEIT

Celebrations in the honor of the Navruz holiday in FEIT

Every year in our country, which is the birthplace of Navruz, the arrival of Navruz is celebrated with a special welcome and triumph. This is a holiday of the coming spring and the awakening of nature.
On March 20 at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Navruz was celebrated with a special triumph. The teachers, staff, students of the Institute, as well as invited guests, including: First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan Jamshed Nurmahmadiyon, Deputy Chairman of the Tourism Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Habibullo Amirbekzoda, expert of the EU Project «Support for selected areas of public finance management reform» Fransisc Palko took part at the ceremony.
The students and master degree students laid the festive tables in the traditions of «haftsin», «haftshin» and «haftmim». Within the framework of the Year of Tourism and Folk Crafts Development, the faculties organized the places, where wedding dresses from different regions of the country and national holiday dishes such as: sumanak, dalda, oshi burrida, etc. were shown.
Navruz4004.jpgIt should be noted that a festive contest for the best festive dastarkhan and national clothes was announced between the faculties, the master’s department and the scientific library of the institute. The participants could show their talent and the best skills.
The rector of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Shukrullo Khairzoda opened the festive event and congratulated everyone on Nawruz holiday. He noted: «Nawruz is a holiday that symbolizes friendship and unity of the people, love and awakening of nature. Nawruz is a valuable spiritual source, it fills hearts with love and hope, illuminates our life. With the advent of Navruz, nature revives, people's hearts are filled with happiness and joy, so humanity is eagerly awaiting its arrival and celebrates Navruz with special triumph. Our staff is celebrating the spring holiday Navruz, will make every effort to achieve new successes».
Celebrating the best traditions of Navruz, the rector gave information about the traditions of its celebration, and congratulated the guests with holiday.
In the course of the celebrations, the Certificates of Honor and memorable gifts were awarded to a number of active and initiative employees of the Institute. In honor of the Tajik Press Day and for the contribution to the development of culture, the Certificates of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan were awarded to the head of the department of Publications of the FEIT, Sadullo Nosirov and to the chief editor of the publications in the Institute Mashkhura Abdulloeva. The employees of FEIT Kalandarov A., Safarov S., Navruzova G., Kalakov J. and the ensemble «Javoni» were awarded with Certificates of Honor of FEIT.
In the solemn part of the festively decorated scene came the Bride of the Year - Spring and congratulated everyone on the holiday, the peasant symbolically scattered the seeds of wheat on the ground. The lyrical songs of youth, their fervent melodies and dances gave the holiday brightness and color. It is necessary to separately note the performance of satirists, who presented humorous skits.
In the end, the results of the festive competitions were announced. It was announced by the chairman of the jury, Professor Gulomjon Mirzoev. So, the first place was awarded to the Management and Financial Law Faculty, the second place was taken by students of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty, the third place was taken by the Finance and Credit Faculty.
The solemn event dedicated to the Navruz holiday once again demonstrated our national unity and became a symbol of the revival of our ancient traditions.

Mashkhura Abdulloeva