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The Role of the Customs Authorities in the Formation of National Statehood

The Role of the Customs Authorities in the Formation of National Statehood

The acquisition of state independence provided an opportunity for Tajikistan to establish state power and embark on the path of building a democratic, secular and legal society. Today, our country has achieved the development of all sectors of the national economy.
On January 19, 2019 on the initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation, as well as the Department of Customs activities a scientific and theoretical conference on theme «The Role of Customs Authorities in the Development of National Statehood» was held at the Tajik State Finance and Economics University which was dedicated to the Day of Customs Officers.
The Vice-Rector of International Relations of the University Firuz Kodirov opened the conference with a welcoming speech. He noted that the customs authorities play a key role in ensuring economic security and development of the country.
The head of the Customs Service department under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service Manuchehr Makhmadov made a scientific report to the conference participants. He noted that the Customs Service of Tajikistan makes a great contribution to ensuring the economic security of Tajikistan and affects the socio-economic development directions of the country. During the years of state independence, the structure of the Customs Service, being improved, was transformed into a powerful structure that regulates foreign economic activity and contributes to the development of the main areas of the economy.
It was noted that one of the main tasks of the customs authorities is to replenish the country's budget. There were more injections into the country's budget in 2018 compared to 2017. The main factor characterizing the implementation of the budget was the greater import of goods, the effective implementation of current legislation, and increased control over illegal trade.
The conference participants heard a report by Khayot Safarov, an Associate Professor at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, on the topic «The Importance of Management Sciences in the Activities of the Leadership of the Customs Authorities». The speaker noted that the interaction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and customs authorities is the most important condition for ensuring national security.
The conference ended with a final discussion of the guests and participants of the event.

Nasrullo Tuichizoda