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Analysis of the activities of the Primary Executive Committee of PDPT «Finance and Economics» («Maliya va iktisod»)

Analysis of the activities of the Primary Executive Committee of PDPT «Finance and Economics» («Maliya va iktisod»)

On February 19, 2019 the reporting meeting of the primary Executive Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in the Sino district «Finance and economy» («Molia va iktisod») was held at the Tajik State Finance and Economics University. The Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in Sino district Zarrina Faizullozoda, members of the PDPT from the University took part at the meeting. On the first question the Chairman of the primary Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in Sino district, «Finance and Economics» Khairzoda Sh. K. made a report for the 2018. After reporting on the activities of the primary Executive Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan «Finance and Economics», Khairzoda Sh. K. noted that PDPT – people's party, the basic principles of which are serving the people and loyalty to its aspirations.  It is an honor to be a member of the PDPT. Only responsible citizens can be in its ranks.  In 2018, 80 people from among the most active teachers and students were admitted to the ranks of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan. Today, the number of members of the party at the University is 1385 people, 415 - teachers and employees of the Institute, 420 members are women. 80% of the party members are young people. 
Maj_h4001.jpgThen, the rector of TSFEU reported on the work done in the framework of the activities of the primary Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in Sino district «Finance and Economics» («Moliay va iktisod»). It was noted that the members of the primary organization take an active part in the implementation of the strategic plans of the PDPT, constantly strive to improve their political outlook. The primary organization is involved in solving important issues related to the implementation of political ideas and the program goals of the party, takes the initiative in the organization and carrying out political events.
The vice-rector for science, TSFEU Bakhrom Safarov and associate Professor in the Department of Humanities, Asadullo Mullojonov took part at the debate and proposed to consider satisfactory the activity of primary organizations during the reporting period. The speakers noted that today the people are deeply aware of the goals set by the PDPT and strive to achieve them.
At this stage we should solve important questions which are connected with implementation of political ideas and implementation of program goals of the party, for this purpose we need to observe party discipline and make active efforts to strengthening of party ranks, - they noted. 
In her speech, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in Sino district Zarrina Faizullozoda recommended to the primary party organizations carry out activities aimed at implementation of tasks set by the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in his speeches, in particular, in a speech in the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the PDPT.
We must focus our efforts on educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and high citizenship. Our goal is aimed at increasing the authority of the PDPT in the community, assist in raising the legal and political culture of citizens, the spread of the ideas of our party in the society, concluded her speech Zarrina Faizullozoda.
In the final part of the event a number of active party members, including Khojaev D., Boboev J., Shodiev K., Safarov M. were awarded diplomas of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic party of Tajikistan in Sino district of Dushanbe. Newly joined the ranks of the PDPT received membership books. 
As a result of the meeting, the relevant resolutions were adopted. 

Mashkhura Abdulloeva