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Significant outcomes of 2020

Significant outcomes of 2020

On December 29, was held an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council of the Tajik State University Financial and Economics. The meeting was attended by the teaching staff and academic teachers. According to the agenda, the rector of TSUFE Khairzoda Sh.Q. reported with details the work of the university for 2020 and its tasks for 2021. The rector began by analyzing the achievements that became the main results of the university's activities in the outgoing calendar year. Assessing the work of all departments of the university, Khairzoda Sh.Q., outlined the tasks for improving methodological, scientific, educational, international, and economic activities of the university in the new year of 2021. It was mentioned that, regardless of the difficulties that arose due to COVID-19, the teaching staff of the university completed all educational programs, and achieved certain positive results in all areas of activity. The main achievement of the university, among other things, can be considered the fact that in the past year, three active specialties passed international certification, the university itself passed institutional certification, a new electronic program was introduced into the educational process, new textbooks and other materials were published (the publication plan was completed at 115 %), in the outgoing year 20 university teachers defended their dissertations for the academic degree of candidate of sciences, cooperation agreements were signed with 9 foreign higher educational institutions, which 3 of them are European universities. The project of Erasmus+K2 was implemented and 84 students graduated with a diploma and honor degree. These achievements indicate that the work of the management and staff of the university is systemic and effective.
As an achievements were especially noted the strengthening material and technical base of TSUFE. So, in 2020, were purchased at the expense of the university itself and existing projects, 47 monoblocks, 31 laptops, 10 computers, 14 printers, 8 electronic boards, 7 banners, 2 TVs, 3 video cameras and etc.
hisobot407.jpgSome shortcomings were noted that hinder the development of the university as a whole, including non-compliance with the existing requirements for holding open lessons, insufficient attendance by teachers of colleagues` classes, some shortcomings and miscalculations in the preparation of syllabuses and examination tests, shortcomings in the work of some curators and etc. For the mentioned deficiencies responsible persons were given the task of correcting and eliminating it.
In the final part of the speech, the rector of TSUFE Khairzoda Sh.Q., delighted those present with the good news that, in order to provide material support for university employees, from January 1, 2021, at the expense of special funds of the university, the salary of university employees will be increased by 15%.
The vice-rector for international relations of the TSUFE F.Qodirov, associate professor A. Mullojonov took part in the debate, who suggested that the activities of the Tajik State University of Financial and Economics for the reporting period be considered satisfactory. They offered recommendations for eliminating the shortcomings and improving the university's performance in the new year of 2021. 
Then, the guest of the meeting - deputy editor of the publication of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan - the magazine "Moliya va hisobdori" M. Idiev presented the editorial gratitude to the rector of the university Khairzoda Sh.Q., teachers Mirzoeva E., Khojazoda D. for effective cooperation with the publication.
In the final part of the meeting, the rector of TSFEU Khairzoda Sh.Q. presented cash prizes and a certificate of honor of the university to the best employees of the university, including O. Ulugov, F. Abduvohidova, O. Shomudinov, I. Safarov, M. Sadriddinov, Sh. Salomiyon, M. Davlatova, A. Boboqulov, M. Hakimova. , Teshaeva H., Ismoilov G., Qurbonova R. for their contribution to the development of educational, scientific, economic activities and medical services of the university.
At the end, the rector congratulated the university staff on the coming New Year and wished them health and success, as well as new achievements in their professional activities.

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Mashura Abdulloeva