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Discussion of the current legal and economic problems

Discussion of the current legal and economic problems

A republican scientific and practical conference was held on the topic "Actual problems of law and economy in the context of globalization" with the initiative of the Department of Economics and Financial and Anti-Corruption Law at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics.
The conference was opened by the rector of TSUFE Sh. Khairzoda, who mentioned that the conference was organized within the framework of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. 
Tajik State University of Finance and Economics was established in the period of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. 
Today it is one of the most prestigious universities among other universities in the country, which trains highly qualified specialists that meet international standards. At TSUFE, along with other specialists, specialists from legal branches also conduct research and teaching activities. Researchers and experts from the aforementioned industries take part in the work of our scientific event, they will discuss current legal and economic problems. We are confident that the recommendations and proposals developed as a result of the conference will contribute to the development of science and production in the country -stressed Sh. Khairzoda.
khi401.jpgThen, the deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Law, Professor J. Murtazozoda make a speech to the participants of the conference. He noted that after the acquisition of state independence by Tajikistan, representatives of the intelligentsia, realizing their mission, directed all their efforts towards building a rule-of-law state. To build such a state, it was necessary to adopt an appropriate law. It is with the help of the rule of law that the supremacy of the legal law and the mutual responsibility of the citizen to the state and the state to the citizen are ensured.
The Constitution is a fateful document that, by defining the path of development of society, guarantees the rights and freedoms of citizens.
Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Law M. Rahimzoda made a presentation on the topic "Formation, state and development prospects of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the era of independence".
The report of the head of the Department of Civil Law of the Law Faculty of the Tajik National University, Doctor of Law, Professor Sh.Gayurov on the topic "On the development and adoption of the Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan" was also heard. During his speech, the speaker emphasized that the Civil Code is a law that regulates civil law relations, which takes precedence over other regulatory legal acts.
The conference work continued in two parts. The second part of the conference continued in the afternoon at the department.