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The meeting aimed at strengthening the national self-awareness

The meeting aimed at strengthening the national self-awareness

On October 18 of this year, based on the plan of activities of the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics and the Committee of Religion, Regulation of Traditions, Celebrations and Ceremonies under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, with the participation of Fayzigul Yusufzoda – the Head of the department of religious education, Muslihiddin Khojamirzoda and Kiyomiddin Nasriddinov – the staff of the committee it was held a meeting with teachers and students on the issues of prevention of bringing some young people to foreign cultures and traditions, unofficial religious teachings and acts of extremist and terrorist nature.
At the beginning, Deputy Rector for Educational work Bunafshamoh Qodirova opened the meeting and expressed that young people, especially our students, should pay more attention to science and literature, sports, vocational training, and use the historical works of our ancestors to improve their knowledge and outlook. They have to improve people's lives and faithfully serve the prosperity of the country.
Then, the representatives of the committee, F. Yusufzoda and M. Khojamirzoda, spoke on the topic of protection of the social interests of society and the main directions of development of the national economy in Tajikistan. Also, they expressed their opinions about the place of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On streamlining the traditions, celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan" in the social system of the country. Among other things, it was noted that the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and its ideological structures are taking permanent preventive measures to prevent topical and disturbing problems such as informal religious teachings, society's exposure to foreign culture, extremist and terrorist issues.
We are of the opinion that the existence of unofficial religious teachings and the conversion of society to a foreign culture become a factor in the development of extremist actions and provide serious grounds for the formation of terrorism and extremism. However, in the conditions where the preservation of the country's peace is considered as the best issue of our national statehood, it is the duty of every individual of the society and all the leading structures of the society to fight seriously and actively with unacceptable manifestations, such as unofficial religious teachings and terrorism and extremism. On the other hand, the education of society in the spirit of national self-knowledge should be turned into a central element of our life. Because with this tool, we can be successful in the fight against extremism and terrorism.
Holding such useful events helps to strengthen the national self-awareness of students and the observance of customs, and gives a serious impetus to the promotion and encouragement of income and expenses within the requirements of applicable laws for conducting weddings and campaigns in the society.

Taghoymurod Eshzoda