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The goal is to increase the production efficiency

The goal is to increase the production efficiency

On the 19th October of this year, by the initiative of the Department of Statistics of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty, in the conference hall of the university it was held The University Round Table on the topic "The role of state statistics in the development of the national economy" with the participation of a wide range of students and teachers dedicated to the day of "World Statisticians".
Firuz Kodirov, Vice-Rector for International Relations opened it with an introductory speech, noting that statistical accounting is an effective tool for systematizing and developing prospects for the activities of economic entities.
Then, Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics Nazar Soliev on the topic "The role of statistics in the formation and development of professional skills of specialists in the field of economy", Sadikhuja Madiev on the topic "The importance of statistics and its content in modern times" and the chief specialist of the Division of Prices and Tariffs of the Agency of Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan Tojiniso Manonova on the topic "Development of the practice of state statistics during the 31 years of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan" made comprehensive speeches. 
The speakers also noted that the effectiveness of state regulation, on the one hand, is the effectiveness of the state as an expression of national interests, regulation of socio-economic processes, and, on the other hand, authorities, which with their mandatory orders influence the conditions for the implementation of market relations, acts as a large owner and participant in market relations. In addition, the main task of state regulation is to increase the efficiency of production and the standard of living of the population.
In the discussion part of The Round Table teachers and students made speech and gave specific and satisfactory answers to the questions.

Taghoymurod Eshzoda