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Emomali Rahmon - the Revivalist of the National Statehood

Emomali Rahmon - the Revivalist of the National Statehood

On November 15th of this year at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics under this title it was held a high-level scientific and political conference dedicated to the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Day of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan with participation of Zarina Faizullozoda, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PDPT of Sino District.
The event was opened by the rector of the HEI, Hakimbek Abdualimzoda, who spoke about the historical importance of the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan and expressed that although scientists, experts and various personalities have written countless books and articles about this session, but this phenomenon in the history of the new civilization and statehood of the Tajiks under the Leadership of Emomali Rahman played a decisive role in the fate of our ancient nation and will forever remain among the most prominent historical documents of our nation.
- The support of the people of the country for the leadership policy of the President of the country, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, is interpreted as a sign of the people's loyalty and love for this beloved man of the nation. Because the Wise and Prosperous Leader Emomali Rahmon gave hope to the hearts of the people by turning Tajikistan into a single country and, in fact, it was the beginning of a new statehood. The passage of time proved that the representatives of the Supreme Council seriously understood the importance of the integrity of the state and the unity of the Tajik nation, - said the rector, and he made an important assessment the role of this Session in the strengthening and development of the statehood of Tajiks, its real independence, integrity, national unity, implementation of political, legal and economic reforms.
H. Abdualimzoda spoke about leadership skills and high personality of Emomali Rahmon and he mentioned the achievements of the Head of Tajik State, who stopped the processes of centrism and regionalism and saved the state from decay. He compared the work of the Leader of the Nation to the work of presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, Atatürk and others and considered him equal to them.
Then Zarina Faizullozoda made a speech. She congratulated the participants on these two great celebrations and expressed her thoughts on the importance of the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan. The speaker noted that despite the limitations and long debates, the Session was able to make fateful and important historical decisions. The most important achievement of the Session is the celebration of the law and the peaceful resolution of all social and political issues of the country. Undoubtedly, the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan is a completely new political phenomenon and opened a new page in the history of the Tajik nation. This Session ensured the survival of the state and created a new state apparatus, which is a factor of progress and development of the society. Therefore, this Session was recognized as the main foundation of the statehood of Tajikistan inside and outside the country.
Continuing, Z. Faizullozoda recalled the achievements of the Leader of the Nation and considered it necessary to unite the people around the Head of State for the strengthening of the State and the foundations of State Independence and National Unity.
Then Asadullo Mullojonov spoke on the topic "Historical memory and the role of the 16th Session of the Supreme Council in the strengthening of National statehood" and expressed that for the young generation, the 16th Session of the Supreme Council has entered into the judgment of history, and remembering it is a sign of national self-awareness, to strengthen the memory is a historical foundation. He assessed the historical and key importance of this Session in the establishment of peace and national unity and the beginning of a new period of statehood. Mullojonov A. as a historian, spoke about the essence and content of the famous work of the Honorable Emomali Rahmon "Chehrahoi mondagor" and recommended to the students to read it and benefit from the biography of their great ancestors.
Abdullo Davlatzoda spoke at the meeting and congratulated the participants on these two historical events and interpreted its celebrations as a sign of people's faith and respect for the President of the country, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon.
The event was successfully concluded in the atmosphere of celebration of patriotism and national self-awareness.

Mashhura Abdulloeva