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The triumph of the Navruz is the embodiment of a prosperous life

The triumph of the Navruz is the embodiment of a prosperous life

On March 18, it was celebrated the International Navruz Holiday in the university with the participation of teachers, staff, students and guests.
The celebration of Navruz began with the heartwarming sound of trumpets and the dancing of young people. At the Navruz party, students decorated the festive table of "Haft Sin", "Haft Shin" and "Haft Mim" and honored and revived national traditions that it was interesting to see.
At the same time, wedding dresses from different regions of Tajikistan were also exhibited, which show our rich national culture.
On one side of Navruzgoh (the place where Navruz is celebrated) boys and girls decorated flowers and recited poems together, which is a symbol of Navruz holiday.
Rector of the Higher Educational Institution Abdualimzoda Hakimbek Abdualim visited the exhibition together with guests, vice-rectors, the heads of departments and the deans of faculties and they gave this event a high rating.
At the university yard, the athletes were engaged in various sports, such as wrestling, pulling the band, weightlifting, which is also a sign of Navruz.
After that, the Navruz celebration was continued solemnly in the Cultural hall of the university. The rector of the university Abdualimzoda Hakimbek opened it with a congratulatory speech and congratulated the present on the arrival of Navruz. Among other things, he noted that Navruz gained worldwide recognition due to the meritorious efforts of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahman. This is the presentation of the Tajik people and our traditions and customs in the international arena. Navruz is one of our oldest holidays, it plays an effective role in learning about our history and civilization, national rituals and guides people to creativity, beauty and unity.
Hakimbek Abdualimzoda mentioned the best virtues of Navruz, its globalization and grand celebration in the countries of the world, the revival of the high traditions of our ancestors, and invited the people of the meeting to honor the ancient traditions of Navruz.
- We, the members of the labor team of the university, should revive its national traditions as much as possible and be leaders in supporting orphans and helping the needy, - said the rector.
The guests of the event were Ortik Qadir - the People's Artist of Tajikistan and Zarina Faizullozoda - the Head of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district, who made a congratulatory speech.
Also, the teachers and employees, including the dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics Ghiyasiddin Gafurov, the Associate Professor of the Department of Economic, Financial and Anti-corruption Law Tahmina Sharifzoda, as well as the Senior teacher of this department Rahmatullo Hamidov and the teacher of the Russian language Department Rukhshona Davlatova were awarded the "Excellence of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan". The director of the Technological Park of TSUFE Faridullo Ubaidulloev was awarded the "Excellence of the Press of the Republic of Tajikistan".
In the continuation of Navruz Day, some teachers and active employees, such as S. Muhammadiyeva, F. Kadyrov, S. Temurbekova, M. Madislam, M. Mangitov, F. Ubaidulloev, J. Zubaydov, F. Inoyatov, F. Davlatov, M. Mulloev in a ceremonial situation were awarded the Letters of Honor for their fruitful work.
The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan presented the Administration of TSUFE with an Honorary degree for active participation in the Republican sports competition of students of HEIs of the Republic of Tajikistan dedicated to the International Nowruz Holiday in the form of wrestling and chess by winning the "Administration's Cup of the International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan". Letters of honor were presented to the students who took prominent places in these and other competitions.
In continuation, it was concluded the volleyball competition, which was held on the occasion of Navruz holiday between the employees and teachers, and the winners were determined. Thus, the volleyball team of the Faculty of Economics and Business took the first place, the Faculty of Accounting and Statistics took the second place, and the Faculty of International Economic Relations took the third place. Also, the teacher of the Department of Sports and Civil Defense Shokirov Sabir was awarded the title of "Best Referee" and the teacher of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Hadyatullo Rasulzoda was awarded the title of "Best Player" of this competition.
In the cultural part, the bride of the year and the old farmer came on stage and congratulated everyone. The old farmer symbolically planted seeds of hope and blessings on the ground and the hearts of young people were filled with enthusiasm for spring and Navruz, and they recited poetry together.
Heartwarming lyrical songs, students’ dances, and comic scenes prepared by "Javani" team brought a different splendor to the Navruz party and brought joy to the hearts.
Thus, the university's Navruz party was a reminder of the revival of national traditions, complete unity and cultural love of its participants.

Mahshura Abdulloeva,
Navruz Jobirov