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The Results of Research

The Results of Research

On April 26, 2014 in FEIT was held the scientific-theoretical conference of teaching staff and students devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Republic of Tajikistan.
Plenary meeting of the conference was opened by the Rector of the Institute PhD in Economics A.Soliev. Noting the nature and social significance of the Constitution for the state, he quoted: "As an integral part of the global community, aware of our duty and our responsibility to the past, present and future generations, understanding the need to ensure the sovereignty and development of the state, recognizing the inviolable freedom and human rights, respecting equality and friendship of all nations, placing the task of creating right society, the Constitution was adopted and proclaimed.
Then was heard a report of docent of Humanities Department Khomidova Qutbii on "The Constitution - the basis of the formation of the Republic of Tajikistan." Senior Lecturer of Department of Economic and Financial Law Isrofilov Z.A. made a presentation on "Economic Aspects of the Constitution of Republic of Tajikistan in the Era of Sovereignty", and a second year student the specialty of Legal Provision of Finance and Credit Firuzi Talbak - on " The Constitution of Republic of Tajikistan and the Protection of the Freedoms and Rights of Citizens."
On Monday, the work of the conference was continued in 8 sections.
225 participants read their reports at the conference. 191 - teachers, 34 - students.
The reports have been exposed to discuss issues related to the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan and the ways to overcome existing problems. According to the results of the conference the collection of scientific articles of the participants of conference will be published.
It should be noted that the conduct of scientific activities promote the expansion of students' worldview and their involvement in research activities.

Mashhura Abdulloeva