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Good News

Good News

The students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan participated in the Republican Olympiad on Humanities among students. It was held in Sugd region of the country, in  Khujand from 24 to 27 April.
According to the results of the Olympiad 3 students of FEIT won prizes. 3rd year student of the Faculty of Finance and Credit Zafari Saidkul won first place in Philosophy. His Scientific  teacher is docent of Humanities Department Gulomdzhon Mirzoyev. 2nd year student of the same faculty Miraziz Obidov was awarded second place on the subject of Political Science. His supervisor is an assistant of the Department of Humanities Ikbol Dzhobirov. 2nd year student of the Faculty of Management and Finance Olimdzhon Hasanov won an honorable fourth place on the subject of History, prepared him for the Olympiad Head of the Department of Humanities, docent A. Mullodzhonov.
Administration and professors staff of the institute congratulated the winners and their research supervisors with a worthy victory. All winners and their teachers will be awarded cash prizes and gifts.

Ubaydullo Boboev