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Email Faculties The Departments Project "Development of Higher Education" Finance - TSUFE Accreditation Erasmus+/DigEco


The goal is to train highly qualified personnel

The goal is to train highly qualified personnel

On March 30, 2023, there was held a meeting of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Fayziddin Kahkhorzoda, with the Administration and Professorial and teaching staff of the university at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics. The purpose of holding this meeting is, first of all, to increase the level and quality of education, to combine theory with practice, and to find new ways and methods of solving problems in the financial sector.
In the beginning, the rector made a speech and talked about various areas of the university's activity, State and Government support, and the institution's achievements. Then, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, F. Kakhorzoda, made a speech and gave information about the support of the Leader of the Nation in the field of education, the strengthening of work in the direction of training specialists in the field and the high influence of TSUFE in the society. It was noted that the university's achievements in all areas are really high. The visit of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, to the university, the commissioning of the new educational building and the mention of the good educational conditions in the Message of the Leader of the Nation are truly unique achievements of the university. Also, F. Kakhorzoda emphasized that TSUFE is the center for training personnel in the field of finance and it is necessary to strengthen this position of the university. The institution's contribution to the organization of professional development courses for financial workers is extremely large. The university has the opportunity to make a great and decisive contribution to the attraction of investments, development of e-government and digital economy, de-cashing of the economy, implementation of economic reforms and promotion of financial policy by training highly qualified personnel. It is necessary that the employees of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan be more involved in the educational process and the Professorial and teaching staff of the university in the process of working in the structures of the ministry. It was emphasized that one of the main ways to improve the level and quality of education and adapt the educational process to global standards is to bring theory closer to practice.
This meeting was held in a free and open atmosphere, where professors, teachers and employees of the university expressed their opinions on improving the level and quality of education and finding solutions to problems in the field of finance. In particular, university professors Bahrom Sharipov, Manzura Koshonova, Hamidullokhon Faqerov, Shavkat Ismoilov, associate professors Saadikhoja Madiev, Saidali Haitov, vice-rectors Firuz Kadirov, Bahrom Safarov and Bahodur Jurakhonzoda shared their opinions on digitalization of the economy, raising financial awareness, organizing various courses in the foundation of TSUFE, customized scientific and research works, making scientific literature available to students, changing the economic thinking of young people, the responsibility of employees, implementing the University Development Strategy together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan and combining theory with practice.
At the end of the event, it was noted that such meetings will continue to be organized and the university's cooperation with various ministries and organizations will be strengthened.

Faridun Safarzoda