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Service to the Motherland is a lesson of manhood!

Service to the Motherland is a lesson of manhood!

Defense of the borders and Homeland is the duty of every young man, and service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan is a great school of courage and manliness. Therefore, even today, the number of young people - students, who after graduating from the university consider volunteering to serve the Motherland as a school of their courage and manliness, is increasing.
The Tajik State University of Finance and Economics also conducts explanatory and educational activities to attract university graduates to military service. That is why, on April 22 of this year, about 70 fourth-year students from six faculties of the university were voluntarily mobilized for service in the Armed Forces after successfully passing the state exam.
After passing the state exam B. Jurakhonzoda, the first Vice-rector, vice rector for education supported the initiatives of the graduates in the presence of teachers and called them for brave and honest service in protecting the Motherland. Also, he added that serving in the Armed Forces is a civil and manly duty of every young man, and every citizen should fulfill it proudly and manfully. The officers and soldiers of the National Army proudly passed the serious test of life, the school of manhood and hard battles, and rendered their loyal and worthy service to protect the water and soil of the ancient land and protect the achievements of Independence. B. Jurakhonzoda also noted that serving in the National Army is a debt for every patriotic young man.
On this occasion, it was held a send-off ceremony of the conscripts on the university yard in the presence of their parents, in which representatives from the Executive body of the State government of Dushanbe, Sino district and the Military commissariat of the district participated and spoke, and they handed over driver's licenses to the mobilized students.
We also congratulate these brave men for their strong determination and wish them success and pride in their future service in maintaining the security of the country.
It should be said that the holding of such events increases the loyalty of every citizen to the Motherland.

Taghoymurad Ezhzoda