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Familiarization with the regular President’s Message of RT

Familiarization with the regular President’s Message of RT

On May 3, 2014 in FEIT was held a meeting on the study and interpretation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Majlisi Oli of Tajikistan from April 23, 2014. The students and staff of the Institute attended there. Abdujabbor Gafurov, the chief of department on work with youth, sport and tourism of Hukumat of Sino district was invited to the meeting.
The meeting was organized to review and clarify the Message of the President of Republik of Tajikistan and Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan.
 Rector of the Institute A. Soliev opened the meeting. He noted that the President’s Message is a guide to activities in all areas of social life of the Republic.  At the Message a great attention was paid to the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan. A.Soliev focused on the clarification of the meaning and essence of the Message to the social life of the republic.
A.Begmatov, docent of Finance and Monetary Department  introduced the main aspects of the Message, noted that this document is important for our nation and state, as President of the Republic of Tajikistan has identified its main directions of native and foreign policy of state. The speaker added : " During the next seven years , as noted in the Message to address issues related to ensuring energy independence and sustainable economic development , all efforts will be focused on the development of industries such as energy, agriculture, communication. For these purposes, provided funding in the amount of 33 billion rubles, which doubled exceeds the figures for the last seven years. "
Orash Hamdamov the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Finance and Credit considered in his speech on economic development of the country in aspect of tourism development. Development of this industry , which is promising for our country will be able to create new jobs , expand production industry , to create a favorable climate for entrepreneurship .
Considering the issues of development of  Education in the Message, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon noted: " The sphere of education is also an important factor of national security , because in the contradictory world, only younger generation with the modern knowledge and professional skills can in the future advance the cause provision of economic development of the country . Teacher figuratively speaking is the center of whole education system and the level , and the quality of students' knowledge , their well made education is closely linked with the knowledge, experience , skills and professional skills, training methodology and the other sides of its individual labor activity. "
The teaching staff and students of the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan perceive this statement of President as a recommendation to their future career.

Mashhura Abdulloeva