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State Investment, Taxation and its Influence on Economics

State Investment, Taxation and its Influence on Economics

On 6 May  International Scientific-Practical Conference on "State Investment, Taxation and its Influence on Economy" started its work at the Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. 

Rector of the Institute A. Soliev, opening the conference welcomed the guests on behalf of the staff of FEIT. The first Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Rahmatullo Mirboboev, first deputy chairman of the National Bank of Tajikistan Jamshed Yusuf, Deputy Head of Improving Tax of Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Saidahtam Abdulloev and the Head of Main Administration of Tax Policy and government fees of Ministry of Finance of Republic of Tajikistan Fazliddin Shomurodov made a welcoming speech. The guests express their opinion about the importance of the topic, wished success in the conference.

The issues related to the management of state finance, tax policy and economic development of the country will be discussed at the conference.

Konfrons400x250.jpgMore than 80 native scientists-economists and experts took part at the conference. Research reports were presented by Doctor of Economics from France Kabanels P.L. on "Policy of the EU countries in the Development of Tax Trends for Innovative Entrepreneurship" and doctor of economic sciences, professor, dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economy of the Pskov State University Nikolaev M.A. on "Effective organization of State Investment as a Factor of Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Development." Rector of FEIT A. Soliev made a substantial report on the theme "The Role of State Investment in the Economic Development of Tajikistan."  At the conference were heard reports of scientific researchers, experts and specialists from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the National Bank of Tajikistan,the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Tajikistan, teachers of higher educational institutions, employees of research institutes.

The issues related to the various aspects of state investment, the financial problems of state policy, questions of the influence of financial crisis on the country's economic development, the problems associated with government loans and tax, issues for industrial and business investment, were also analyzed by external factors impact on economic development of the country were discussed at the conference.
In its content listed questions come from the following tasks:
1. The effective organization of state investment as a factor for sustainable and inclusive economic development;
2. Improving taxation principles for development of industrial and innovative entrepreneurship;
3. Assessment of the impact of external factors on the economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan. 
According to the results of the conference Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan plans to make concrete proposals to address the problems associated with state investment and improving the tax system, the development of entrepreneurship in the industry, and conduct measures to prevent external factors that negatively affect the economic growth of the Republic.
It should be noted that the conference materials were printed beforehand and distributed among the participants.
On 7 May  conference will be continued.

Mashhura Abdulloeva