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The results of the activity in 2023 are significant

The results of the activity in 2023 are significant

On December 30th, 2023, there was held a large extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, which was attended by professors, teachers and employees of the university.
According to the agenda of the meeting, it was heard the report of the rector of the university, Abdualimzoda Hakimbek, on the results of the activity of TSUFE in 2023 and tasks for 2024, which included the activities of all areas of the university during the reporting year.
The rector spoke in detail about the results of the university's one-year activity and set the tasks for 2024. In his speech, the speaker comprehensively analyzed all aspects of the activity of the structures and expressed interesting ideas regarding improvement in the field of educational and methodical, scientific, educational, international relations, financial and economic affairs.
- The year 2023 was a truly historic and memorable year for the people of Tajikistan with important events and unique achievements, and this is evident from the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli (the Supreme Assembly) of the Republic of Tajikistan, which entrusted us with important and demanding tasks.
The rector of the university, also noted that the summary of 2023 is a reflection of the fact that there have been achieved significant successes in the activity of TSUFE, which is the result of the proper organization of the educational process, management, support and regular control of the activities of the teaching staff and all employees. The analyzes show that the productivity of university employees has improved in all areas of educational activity. First, TSUFE passed state certification and accreditation and got a license to operate in the next five years. Some teachers of the university - N. Aslonova was awarded with the "Meritable Service" medal and S. Madiev was awarded with the "Excellence in Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan" badge, which are the pride of the university.
The university is equipped with modern information and communication equipment of various types, there is provided and used modern and complete material and technical basis in the educational process. The educational process at the university in the 2023 academic year was conducted through an automated digital program, and the summer and winter session exams were held according to this program.
The involvement of teachers in upgrading, training and professional development courses inside and outside the country was carried out at the necessary level, and 36 teachers were mobilized according to the vision plan.
In 2023, there were published 77 monographs, textbooks, educational materials and educational-methodical manuals by the teachers of the university.
At the same time, in 2023, there were published a total of 1470 scientific-educational materials by lecturers, degree candidates, Ph.D. students, master and bachelor degree students.
At the same time, in 2023, the Publishing Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized an international competition of scientific works within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States for the first time, in which the head of the Department of Education of TSUFE Abdullo Davlatzoda was awarded with a certificate for his article on "National interest and controversial issues of the Central Asian region" in nomination "The best scientific article in 2023". 
As for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses, 30 people - 3 people defended their doctoral theses and 27 people successfully defended their candidate's theses in the Dissertation Councils of the country in 2023.
In 2023 academic year, according to the plan, there were held 9 scientific-practical conferences at the required level at the university. Also, within the framework of the scientific consultation plan, there were held 12 Round tables and 3 Scientific-practical seminars with the participations of guests from relevant ministries, agencies and Higher Professional Educational Institutions of the republic.
It should be noted that this year the university became the initiator and host of several republican level competitions with the participation of the entire HEIs including the republican competition "The best knower of the Tax Code", "The best programmer", "The best knower of the Customs Code", "The best knower of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan". 
In order to ensure the quality of education and research activities, to train highly qualified personnel at the international level, the university has paid special attention to the development of international activities since its establishment, and has signed cooperation agreements with more than 143 foreign and domestic universities and organizations.
While being satisfied with the progress of labor activity, at the same time, the rector drew attention to the points that can create obstacles in the development of the university. In particular, there were noted attendance, shortcomings in the work of some curators, non-renewal of lectures, insufficient participation in mutual lessons.
Then, some lecturers such as Mirzoev G., Faqerov H., Aminov I., Abdulvohidova F., and Sirojova N. went to a discussion, considered the annual report of the university's activity as satisfactory, and gave useful recommendations to eliminate some shortcomings.
At the end of the meeting, some of the lecturers, employees and students, who achieved new achievements in 2023, were honored with the Certificate of Honor.
At the same time, Nuralizoda A., Temurbekova S., Qodirov J., Gulov. A., Sheralii Saidali, Barotov A., Mirzoev S., Zubaydov J., Muminov F., Jangiev J. were determined by the nominations of the best dean, the best education advisor, the best distance education advisor, the best education advisor and the best deputy dean for science and international relations and were awarded Certificates of Honor.
By The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan J. Kalakov was awarded the medal "For cooperation".
At the same time, the award was presented to the university futsal team, which won the Dushanbe Mayor's Cup in city competitions. 
In the end, taking into account the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli (the Supreme Assembly) of the Republic of Tajikistan, the rector announced a 10% increase in the wages of employees at the expense of special funds.
In conclusion, the rector congratulated the participants of the meeting on the arrival of the 2024 New Year and wished them success and serious responsibility for the honest performance of the tasks ahead.
By this, the work of the large extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council was concluded.

Abdulloeva Mashhura
Navruz Jobirov