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Explanation of the Message

Explanation of the Message

On January 8, 2024, it was held a meeting at the Tajik State University of Finance and Economics with the participation of teachers and employees, dedicated to the review of instructions and tasks presented in the Message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon to Majlisi Oli (the Supreme Council).
Rector of the university, Abdualimzoda Hakimbek, opened the conference and made a deep analysis of the importance of the Message of the Leader of the Nation to Majlisi Oli (the Supreme Council) and its economic aspects, adding that this year's Message summarized the activities of the last seven years and defined the tasks for the following years.
Abdualimzoda H. expressed his opinion about the points that indicate the economic development of the country, such as the large production of products in the national economy, the increase in savings of the population, the decrease in the level of poverty, the improvement of the social conditions of the population and the periodic increase of the salaries of employees in various sectors of the economy, the improvement of tourism infrastructure, the formation of the republic's budget and other economic issues.
Then the guest of the event, Tashrifzoda Amirali, the Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in Sino district, spoke and analyzed the social and economic aspects of the Message. The speaker paid attention to the implementation of the green economy and interpreted it as a priority goal and a contributor to environmental health.
In the continuation, Firuz Kodirov, Vice Rector for International Relations, making speech, he compared the previous messages with this year's Message, and mentioned the history of the adoption of development strategies and strategic goals of the country. Among other things, he added that 60 percent of the analyzes in the Message were devoted to the economy, and the first of them was to the industry, because rapid industrialization was announced in the country. He considered 6 primarily tasks for the following years, which were mentioned in the Message, as priority issues, including: the creation of a "green economy", speeding up the process of digitization of the economy, development of human resources, increasing the competitiveness of the domestic products, strengthening the country's export opportunities, and improving the quality of social services. Kodirov F. emphasized that the Message is a source of reliable information for researchers, and every point of it should be given serious importance during research.
In his speech, Shavkat Ismailov, Professor of the Department of Economic, Financial and Anticorruption Law, informed about the declaration of 2024 as the "Year of Legal Education" and added that nowadays, it is necessary for every individual to be armed with legal knowledge, because it is important and it has a main role in carrying out activities and solving social and financial and other issues.
In his speech, Vice-Rector for Science Bahrom Safarov said that the Government of the country in the National Development Strategy for the period until 2030 has identified the development of the private sector, entrepreneurship and investment as the main means of achieving national goals and is constantly looking for measures to create favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and investments to make the country's economy attractive for investment and export-oriented.
As a result of the implemented measures, the number of business entities increased from 62 thousand to 350 thousand in the last 7 years, which are the significant results.
At the end of the meeting, Abdualimzoda H. emphasized that teachers, staff and students consider the points of the Message such as ensure the economic development of the country, declaration the Year of Legal Education, and improvement the quality of education as one of their main tasks, they try to explain each of its point to others and consider the Message as a guide for their activities. Teachers should also conduct scientific analysis and use it in their lessons.

Mashura Abdulloeva