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Summary of the science week

Summary of the science week

On April 27, TSUFE held a summarizing ceremony of a scientific and theoretical conference of teachers and staff, masters and doctoral students and students dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and the "Year of Legal Education".

First, F.A. Kodirov, Vice-rector for science, stated that the Science week was held at the university at the required level, and speakers actively participated in the conference. It was said that year by year the demand for the publication of scientific articles has become more serious, and teachers should feel more responsible in this area.

At the conference there were discussed the results of the scientific and research work of the professors and teachers. It should be noted that the purpose of the April conferences is to collect scientific proposals of each researcher based on research work for relevant ministries and institutions. Therefore, suggestions of scientists and researchers are constantly taken into account.

At the end of the conference, there were heard the reports of candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for science Firuz Kodirov on the topic "Critical issues of economic and social development of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions" and candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign languages department Gulpari Huseinova on the topic "Importance of learning foreign languages at the modern stage of development".

Lecturers J. Babaev, M. Nusratzoda, U. Vohidov and others took part in the discussion.

As a result, 52 articles were recognized as the best, and the authors were presented with awards.

N. Jobirov