
Youth meeting
On May 20 of this year, the university hosted the Educational and political conference of professors, teachers and students dedicated to the Day of Tajik Youth under the title “Leader of the Nation: Youth and the Culture of Peace.” It was attended by the Chairman of the Committee on Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Gulmurodzoda Zulfikor Ahmad and the Chairman of the Committee on Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Kamoliddin Muminzod.
Rector of TSUFE Hakimbek Abdualimzoda opened the conference with an opening speech, welcomed the guests of the university and congratulated the participants on Youth Day. The rector noted that thanks to the special attention of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, young people were provided with all conditions for work. Youth at all times is the driving force of society, and the future of the nation and state depends on it. Over the years of State Independence, there have been created all the necessary conditions to increase the role of youth in the life of society, to create favorable conditions for their education and upbringing, science and vocational training, mastery of foreign languages and modern languages, information and communication technologies. For the implementation of youth initiatives, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has created a favorable basis as well.
The Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, in collaboration with the Youth and Sports Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, contributes to the implementation of youth policy. Among the talented youth, 68 volunteers cooperate with the Youth and Sports Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, and 83 students graduated from the “Followers of the Leader of the Nation” school, which had a great influence on the formation of the personality of every young person.
In continuation, the Chairman of the Committee of Youth and Sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Gulmurodzoda Zulfikor made a speech, and expressing his opinion about the essence of celebrating Youth Day and the support of the Great Leader of the Nation, he mentioned that young people play the role of a creative force and a strong link in the connection of human generations. He also added that they have an important and great mission in society. The progress of a nation is unthinkable without the contribution of the youth, and the development and improvement of life depends on the zeal and perseverance of the youth.
One of the great achievements of the independence period is the formation of state youth policy and the gradual creation of wide opportunities for youth development in difficult conditions of structural and social change.
As for the favorable conditions, the development of intellectual capabilities, as a complete person, armed with modern knowledge, helped the country's young generation to discover new human abilities and greatly increased their confidence in the completion of construction work.
“Undoubtedly, today, relying on the strength and power of youth, we are planning our current and future creative goals through the effective implementation of state youth policy and mobilizing all our strength and capabilities to achieve it,” said Gulmurodzoda Z.
Then the Chairman of the Committee for Tourism Development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Kamoliddin Muminzod, spoke about the policy of tourism development, development opportunities, the regulatory framework for the development of the industry, and the training of tourism specialists. The speaker noted that tourism specialists are trained in 17 Higher Educational Institutions in the country, including the specialty “Tourism Management” at TSUFE. Addressing the students, he said that in order to become a specialist who meets the needs of the time, they should study foreign languages and suggested that they study foreign languages.
Continuing, the Head of the youth department of University Khalifazoda Jovidon spoke on the topic “The role of the Leader of the Nation in the formation of the intellectual strength of youth” and expressed his opinion on the policy of youth and their scientific education. He said that today's progress of society requires great need for science and culture, the power of creative innovation and seeking and creative young people. The current conditions of the country require us to find talent among teenagers and young people, create the basis for the development of their personality in all aspects, and direct their creative forces to conquer new heights of science, technology and culture. Because the experience of developed countries of the world shows that it is impossible to achieve any significant results without the direct and active participation of young people in the economic and social reforms of the country.
The Leader of the Nation appreciated the implementation of republican competitions and other motivational events to achieve constructive goals.
Continuing the event, the winners of the University round of the competition “Best Student of the Year – 2024” were awarded the University Certificate of Honor. The best students - Rustamov Bakhriddin, Nasriddinov Shokhrukh, Manuchehrzoda Madina, Taburov Shohramazon - reached the Republican level with high academic results and exemplary discipline.
At the same time, young teachers of the university such as Mirzoev Kh., Nazarova N., Zaripov M., Juraeva N. and students- the Followers of the Leader of the Nation - Safarova S. and Davlatov Kh. were awarded a Letter of Gratitude from TSUFE for their effective work.
Also, young teachers - Samardini Sh., Dzhumaev I., Chorieva F., Muminov F., Dzhangiev Zh., Gaforova Sh., Abdugafforzoda F., Khabibov S., Nematulloi M. received a Letter of Gratitude of Committee on work with youth and sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for their assistance in the implementation of youth policy at the university.
In debates, the clerk-operator of the Accounting and Statistics Faculty, Gulrukhsor Anorboeva spoke about the mission of youth, political intelligence and paying tribute to the support of the Great Leader of the Nation and other issues related to the maturity of youth.
We remind you that the guests toured the achievements of the university, classrooms and educational laboratories, the department of monitoring and quality of education, the museum and gave it high marks.
Mashhura Abdulloeva