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Football Players of FEIT Won First Place

Football Players of FEIT Won First Place

On the initiative of Department of Affairs of Youth, Sports and Tourism of Government of Sino region, and also for the purpose of implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the announcement of 2014 year of mass character of football" within Day of Youth from April 25 to May 15 passed small football competitions among students of institutions, colleges, pupils of professional lyceums, commands from the settlements located in the territory of the Sino district of the city of Dushanbe.   Competitions were dated for the 90 anniversary of the city of Dushanbe.  

 It is pleasant that team of Finance and economics Institute won first place. We won the team of Chorteppa settlement  in final game  with the score 2:1,  and became the owner of the first prize of competitions - the Cup of the Chairman of Government of the Sino district. 

The Chairman of Committee on affairs of youth, sports and tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Maliksho Nematov, Ashurboy Soliyev the rector of Finance and economics institute, Dilshod Dzhurayev the president of Federation of football of the city of Dushanbe, the head of Department of affairs of youth, sports and tourism Government of the Sino district Gafforov A.S. participated in a ceremony of an awarding the prize. Maliksho Nematov handed over the Cup to winners in solemn situation. 

 Support of the administration of FEIT and faculties, more than 300 fans- students and teachers at competitions inspired our team on the next victory. 

M. Abdulloeva