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The Day of Youth was celebrated solemnly in FEIT

The Day of Youth was celebrated solemnly in FEIT

On May 21, 2014 within celebration of Week of Youth the festive event on the subject "Prevention of Offences and the Factors Promoting its Manifestation among Youth and Minors" was organized at institute.  The vice-chairman of Committee on Affairs of Youth, Sports and Tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Muinova M., the employee of this department Gafurova A.S. the head of Department of affairs of youth, sports and tourism of Hukumat of Sino district of Dushanbe Gafurov A.S. participated in a festive event.  

The vice rector of educational work I. Ibragimov opened meeting. He noted that Tajikistan in all directions of development leans generally on youth. So, 41% of total number of civil employees is youth aged till 35 years. This factor forces youth to take part in all spheres of life of society more actively.

The vice-chairman of Committee on Affairs of Youth, Sports and Tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Mavsuma Muinova congratulated the students with a holiday.  She noted that the youth of Tajikistan is the worthy successor of the nation, the independent state and creative generation of our Native Land.  The youth was considered as a driving force of society at all times and the periods of history. The government of Tajikistan constantly shows special attention and care in relation to youth, creates all necessary conditions for its comprehensive formation and development. For supporting and stimulation of talented youth is established Presidential quota. It gives opportunity to youth to study from distant areas. According to the statistical data, more than 10 thousand people got an education on this quota and conduct professional activity in all areas of public life of the republic. 

Then there was heard the report of the 4 course student of faculty of Financial economy and Taxation Bobozod Afzalsho on the subject "Role of Youth in Modern Development of Society".  

After an exchange of opinions between guests and students the vice rector for upbringing work L. Eshondzhonova presented the results of the competitions which were held at institute on the eve of celebration of Week of youth. She noted that for activization of students and promotion of a healthy lifestyle the plan of actions were made and approved according to which a number of cultural and educational actions and sports competitions, including the competitions "The Best Curator" and "The Best Room" was carried out from 10 till 20 May. According this plan of measures mini football competitions on a gain of the Cup of the rector of FEIT-2014 were organized. The first place at these competitions won the team of football players of faculty of Financial economy and taxation which was awarded by the Cup of the rector of FEIT, a medal and the Diploma of the I category.   

For the taken second place the team of faculty of Accounting and statistics was awarded by a medal and the Diploma of the II category. The third place was won by a football team of faculty of Management and the financial right which also was awarded by a medal and the Diploma of the III category. 

Рузичавононx400x250.jpgAs the winner of the competition "The Best Curator of Institute of 2014 was Olimov Dilshod - the curator of the academic group of faculty of Accounting and Statistics. He was awarded with the Certificate of honor of the rector of institute.    For material encouragement of winners of the competition "The Best Curator of Institute" at the next meeting of the Academic council the question of establishment of a special award will be considered.  

On representation of dean's offices of faculties the most active teachers and students were awarded by the Certificate of honor of the rector of institute, including: Sharipov Namozali, Kodirov Dzhafar, Gadoyev Bekhruz, Makhshulov Saidkhudzha, Nazarov Alisher, Hotamov Salim, Nakhatova Fazilat – students of faculty of Accounting and Statistics; Zokhirov Okil, Ozodbekova Nurbegim – students of 2 courses of faculty of Finance and  Credit, Firuzi Talbak, Madaminova Fahriya – students of 2 courses of faculty of Management and Financial right, Nigora Majrufzoda, Sinbodi Asadullo – the students of the 3 course of faculty of Financial economy and Taxation, Pavlova Christina, Shomukhammadov Saidakram – students 3 courses of faculty of the international economic relations, Asoyev Bakhtiyor, Nazarova Nilufar – the students of the 3 course of Information technologies in economy faculty.

It should be noted that at the initiative of Department of affairs of youth, sports and tourism of the Sino region of Dushanbe city in honor of the 90 anniversary of Dushanbe within Day of youth from April 25 to May 15 passed mini football competitions among teams of institutions, colleges, professional lyceums, commands from the settlements located in the territory of the region of Sino of Dushanbe. Two teams from FEIT participated at these competitions. It is pleasant that among 14 teams-participants one team of Finance and economics institute won the first place and became the owner of the first prize of competitions - the Cup of the Chairman of Hukumat of the Sino district. The other our team took the fourth place. The chairman of Committee on affairs of youth, sports and tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Maliksho Nejmatov participated in an awarding prize ceremony who handed over the Cup to the winners. Other FEIT team which has taken the fourth place, was awarded by the Certificate of honor of Committee on affairs of youth, sports and tourism at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

The action took place in the warm friendly atmosphere. 

Mashhura Abdulloyeva