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Email Faculties The Departments Project "Development of Higher Education" Finance - TSUFE Accreditation Erasmus+/DigEco


Dear colleagues and students!

Dear colleagues and students!

One of the leading moral and sacred senses of the person is the feeling of patriotism and love for the country.  The feeling of love to Fatherland is put in the childhood and formed in a family, then consolidate in school.  The love for the country is in heart of each of us and it inspires us on labor feats for the sake of strengthening and prosperity of our favourite Fatherland. 

Today we are on the threshold of great fulfillments – constructions of the independent, sovereign and stable state and the high feeling of patriotism, national pride and unity has to unite all of us to achieve sustainable social and economic development of the country. 

For 23 years of the state independence our people achieved strengthening of peace and harmony, deep transformations in all spheres of public life, stability and sustainable social and economic development. All this became possible thanks to wisdom of our people, its firmness, kind and judiciousness.

Independence is valuable achievement of our peace-loving people and a symbol of consolidation of statehood. During a globalization era only those people and the nation will be able to take a worthy place on the international scene who will know the true price of independence, the sovereignty, the peace, stability and tranquillity of society.

Nowadays we are immensely happy and proud that we live in a sovereign, secular, legal, democratic state.  

Undoubtedly, the future of society and state, management of government and nation first of all depend on youth.  The young generation has to realize and remember that protection and multiplication of achievements of  independence, protection of interests of the Homeland is their sacred duty.  This historical mission connected with strengthening and providing a sustainable development of the state, demands from younger generation of continuous self-improvement, development of feeling of patriotism and national consciousness.  We have to seek for strengthening and hardening of national unity, to bring up in ourselves and to develop feeling of national advantage, to increase political and legal culture, to remember protection of the state and statehood, country safety, preservation of stability and tranquillity of society.  We have to realize independently essence of plans and programs of the state and to make the contribution to their realization. 

Today the people of Tajikistan realize the true value of the state independence and understand that a strategic objective of the state and the Government of Tajikistan is increase of a standard of living of the people on the basis of strengthening of the state independence.

23 years of state independence of our native country identify for each of us national and state independence, the world and mutual understanding, love of freedom, happiness and wellbeing of the Tajik people. Let the national unity, the world and rest will be forever on the Tajik earth, and let independence of our state will be firm.

A number of important political and cultural meetings devoted to the 23 anniversary of the State independence of our republic tale place on these days in Tajikistan. We are proud that in 2014 in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Tajikistan presides. These days the capital of our republic will be transformed to the world political center where heads of states - members of SCO will gather. During the meeting questions of strengthening and development of regional security and cooperation which have huge value for development of the Republic of Tajikistan will be considered. Undoubtedly, such results became possible thanks to the state independence and wise policy of our President Emomali Rahmon.

Once again I congratulate on behalf of the administration of the institute and personally from myself everybody on the 23 anniversary of the state independence, and I wish all achievement of the planned purposes!