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On September 27, 2014 the problems connected with an economic crisis and its prevention in macroeconomic conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan were discussed at the usual meeting of the scientific and practical circle "Economic Expert".

 Rector of the institute Ashurboy Soliev opened the work of the circle and informed attendees with the contents and essence of the discussed problem. He noted that it is necessary to find all possible ways of use of crisis in favor of national economy. It would be expedient to develop research activity in this direction. 

The scientific report of the vice rector for international relations of the institute, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor B. Safarov on the subject "Crises and Ways of its Prevention in Macroeconomic Conditions of the Republic of Tajikistan" was heard at the meeting . The speaker commented on a condition of world economy at the present stage and gave an assessment to economy in certain regions taking into account their recurrence. The author used concrete figures and facts.

The speaker considered the reasons and consequences of changing economic condition on the world field connected with emergence of crises taking into account theoretical and practical aspects. It was noted that impact of financial crisis in our country was especially notable in the sphere of the money transfers made by migrants and also in spheres of investment, foreign trade, the industry and others. Consequences of influence of crisis on economy of the Russian Federation and the countries of the European Union were also mentioned. At the end of his speech the author spoke on evidence-based offers on prevention of an economic crisis and its consequences, use of resources on ensuring macroeconomic balance in the Republic of Tajikistan. The speaker considered cause-effect relation of financial and economic changes at the macro and micro levels and drew attention of participants of a circle to need of rational use of natural and climatic conditions of the country, need of acceleration of institutional and economic changes, implementation of reform of management of subsurface resources use, rational use of water, strengthening of the state support in this directions. 

At the end of his speech the author answered numerous questions of participants of a circle.

A. Soliyev participating in the debate noted that it is necessary to pay special attention at the present stage of economic development of the republic to development of native business, to strengthening of competitiveness and improvement of quality of the producing goods, export of native goods, use of the latest technologies on packing goods. It is necessary to involve the Science and technology park operating at FEIT in this direction. 

Vice Rector for Research of Technological University of Tajikistan Khakimov G., Head of  Economic Theory and Economic Development at the same university Radjabov K., Professor of FEIT Vohidov V.V. took part in the discussion of the problem. 

The meeting took place in the circle of business and good setting.

Sadihodzha Madiev, Ph.D., 
Associate Professor, Secretary of the circle 
"Economic Expert"