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The State Language Day in the Republic of Tajikistan is celebrated on October 5 every year. On October 3rd in honor of this holiday a scientific-art conference "The Role of the State Language in the Development of the National Society" was held at Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan. The Head of the Legal Department of the Committee on the Language and Terminology of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Mansuri Shodmoni Dzhamoliddinzoda, Senior Specialist of the Department of Science and Innovation of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Muminov Ahmad, the Head of the Culture Department of Hukumat of Sino district of Dushanbe Munira Makhmudova took part at the conference.
Vice-Rector for Educational work of FEIT I. Ibrohimov opened the work of the conference. He noted that this year the three holidays are celebrated in Tajikistan in one day. They are the Day of the State Language, Teacher's Day and Idi Kurbon holidays. Congratulating the participants on behalf of the administration of the Institute with the holidays, he noted that on this day in 2009, the country adopted a new law "On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan".
As was noted at the conference, observance of the standards of literary language is compulsory for everybody. Good speech with the observance of all grammatical standards of the literary language - it is a sign of well-educated person. Particularly high responsibility for observance of the standards of literary language is for managers, the representatives of the media and each person who identify himself as intellectual.
In Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan established the commission on the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan", which controls compliance record keeping requirements of the literary language.
The guests of the conference made a congratulatory speech. M. Shodmon noted that the Committee on the Language and Terminology is the focal point for the implementation of the Programme of Development of the State Language of the Republic of Tajikistan and the main function of the Committee is in compliance with the examination of the literary language in enterprises and institutions of the republic.
Associate Professor, Department of Tajik and Russian languages S. Sobirdzhonov made a presentation on "The Role of the President to Strengthen the Status of the State Language." The speaker noted that language - is not only a cultural phenomenon, but it can also include important political task. Therefore, in the solution of problems related to language, the state plays the main role, from this point of view, such concepts as nation, state and language can be a single thing.
Also the reports were made by associate professor of Tajik and Russian languages H. Kurbonova on "Language - the Basis of the Existence of the Nation," the teacher of the Humanities Department M. Mahimova on "Language and its role in Human Life and Activity".  The students took part in the artistic part of the conference with the concert program. They recited poems and sang songs on patriotic themes. 
The conference was held in a lively and interesting atmosphere. 

Mashhura Abdulloeva