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According to the plan of activities at the initiative of department of Educational work in the institute on October 8th, 2014 was organized the meeting of students and teachers with representatives of law enforcement agencies of Dushanbe. The Chief of service of prevention of offenses among teenagers and youth of Department of Internal Affairs-1 Sino district Akhliddin Bozorov, the Chief of regional department No. 19 police lieutenant colonel Yusuf Aliyev, and also the Chairman of non-governmental organization "Young Creators of the Homeland" Aliakbar Khayotzoda was invited to the meeting.
In his speech U. Aliyev noted that according to statistical data during 9 months 2014 more than 1053 crimes are registered in Sino district in Dushanbe. The analysis showed that in comparison with a similar indicator of last year the number of crimes in the current year was reduced on 123. Today more than ever the youth has to participate actively in political life of the country. The youth has not to be simply object of care and education, it has to be the active subject of political activity, - U. Aliyev noted.
The Chairman of non-governmental organization "Young Creators of the Homeland" Aliakbar Khayotzoda noted that most of students of Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan are members of this NGO. These are socially active students, their efforts and aspiration are directed on creation.
Summing up the guests’ speech, Rector of the institute A. Soliyev call on  youth of the country not to lose political vigilance in attempts of influence on their consciousness of representatives of the organizations of extremist sense.

Mashhura Abdulloyeva