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Primary Directions of Development of Economic Cooperation of the SCO Countries

Primary Directions of Development of Economic Cooperation of the SCO Countries

Under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and cooperation with the other regional and international organizations Tajikistan as the full member of the world community develops economic and political cooperation with all countries of the world. To consider this problem on October 10, 2014 at the initiative of Department of the International Finance and Credit Relations the round table dated for the 90 anniversary of Dushanbe was organized. The participants of a round table spoke on the subject "Primary Directions of Development of Economic Cooperation of the SCO Countries". The report of professor of International Finance and Credit Relations Department Saidmurodov L.H. on the subject "The SCO: benefits and estimates" was heard in the action. The author of the report noted that the main strategic tasks of the organization are strengthening of stability and safety on wide space, and also development of the friendly relations, political, economic, scientific and technical, cultural cooperation between member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  
Strengthening of cooperation in spheres of power, transport, education, ecology, etc. is priority. The SCO, setting as the purposes: strengthening between member states of mutual trust, friendship and neighborliness, development of versatile cooperation for maintenance and strengthening of the world, safety and stability in the region, joint counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism in all manifestations, possesses high potential of development. It should be noted that activity of the SCO on the economic direction is rather effective as well.
The reports of Candidate of Economic Sciences Sodikov M. S. on the subject "SCO as the Perspective Mechanism of Multilateral Regional Cooperation in Central Asia" and Candidate of Economic Sciences Popov N. A. on the subject "Formation and Development of SCO" were also heard.
Candidate of Economic Sciences Ibrokhimov I.R. and Doctor of Economics, Professor Vokhidov V. V. participated in the debate. They noted importance and actuality of the discussed subject for the Republic of Tajikistan.

M. Abdulloeva